
Finally Hiking

Verëffentlecht: 01.10.2020

The night of 28.09. to 29.09. was a bit strange. Two shots were fired in the middle of the night.

Maybe it was just a hunter, but the time seemed a bit unusual for hunting.

In the end, the alarm clock rang at 07:00 to tell us it's time to get up.

Originally, we should be in Norway now. Since we wanted to go hiking as often as possible there, we chose the Mecklenburg Lakes as an alternative.

Here, you don't ascend as many meters in height as in the far north, but the landscape is supposed to be beautiful as well.

We drive from our sleeping place to nearby Krakow am See. The Route of the Seven Lakes starts here and is a good introduction with 15 km.

The Mecklenburg Lakes are known for the many different bird species that populate the area from spring to autumn.

The Müritzsee is the largest inland water in Germany, surrounded by other lakes. The land around the Müritzsee itself is characterized by agriculture and forestry. Most of the towns here are small and inhabited by 300 to a maximum of 3,000 residents. Some may know the air spa town of Waren, which is located on the northern shore of the Müritz.

Neu Brandenburg is the next larger city with 61,000 inhabitants.

After our hiking trip, we drive from the western edge of the lakes plateau area to Röbel to spend the night there.

The next day (30.10.) will be planned again actively. That's why we drive by car to Müritz to hike through the Müritz National Park.

The circular route through the park is 170 km long. We decide for a shortened route to Schwarzenhof. From there, we take the bus back to Waren.

The many species of eagles that usually settle in the national park during the summer months have already left.

We left our binoculars and lenses with a 30x zoom at home. We're more interested in the leisure activity of hiking.

After a good 20 km, we reach our destination Schwarzenhof. In the adjacent restaurant, we treat ourselves to some cake before taking the bus back.

In the evening, we shower at the nearby Ecktanne campsite and then head to a rest area in the 40 km away Chemnitz (different Chemnitz). The place for the night is secluded again and located in a forest.

This night is full moon and the sky is clear. After the two days of hiking, we are looking forward to the bed!


Reesberichter Däitschland