
Finn vs. India

Verëffentlecht: 08.04.2018

Describing a country like India is difficult with words. When I look back at the five weeks I spent in this country, where each state is as different as each country in Europe, two words come to mind: loud and dirty. These are not necessarily good qualities, but I believe that it is precisely because India is so loud and vibrant that it is so exciting for foreigners. And because India is so dirty, the purity and kindness that many people there possess stand out even more. And that, for me, is the essence of India. The beauty of this country lies in its people. Even though there are many things I cannot understand. For example, how someone can pollute a land that is sacred to them to such an extent that there may be no turning back. The best example of this is the Ganges, which the Indians lovingly refer to as Mother Ganges. In Rishikesh, where the river originates, it is still clean and clear, but in Varanasi, it becomes one of the most polluted water bodies in the world. This contradiction is incomprehensible to me.

And why the hell do you have to honk when the road is empty?! In the entire five weeks, I never felt a sense of peace and tranquility, and my ears seemed to have developed a resistance, so that I perceived everything muffled. Even though there are so many ashrams here, where many white people also seek inner peace, I could never imagine spending a long time in India. Even in many temples, I felt like I was in a colorful amusement park for believers and I searched in vain for peace and spirituality. Only during the first few days of Holi was I able to get caught up in the religious ceremonies.

Certainly, the tension I felt the whole time was also influenced by the prejudices and horror stories about mass rapes that were in my mind before the trip. While we met travelers who had negative experiences with wild and drugged Indian hordes during Holi, most of my prejudices disappeared personally. For example, the 6 locks with which we always secured our luggage were completely unnecessary in India. At no point did I feel that my belongings could be stolen. On the contrary: in Sawai Madhopur, a part (of considerable value) of my camera came loose and a man ran after me to return it.

People in general were very interested in us (even though they asked the same questions to everyone: Where are you from? Oh Germany? I know someone in Frankfurt! First time in India? Do you like it?) and I always felt like a welcome guest. After every train ride, it felt like we made friends and had a place to stay in three different cities.

Everyone wanted to take a selfie with us, but especially when it was done without asking, it became exhausting after a while. This even led to a heated argument between me and an Indian.

But I learned, especially from the tuk-tuk drivers, that this is normal in India. If something doesn't suit you, you just say it and pay the price you consider appropriate. Most of the time, no one complains about it.

To sum it up: I am glad to have visited India and especially to have met many people there. I am equally glad not to be in India anymore, and I cannot imagine feeling the need to go back to India in the next few years. I cannot confirm the statement: Either you hate India or you love it. I don't hate it, nor do I love it. I believe India is India and one of the most unique countries in the world.


- Slum tour in Dharavi

- First day in Vrindavan

- Cochin in one day with the guys

Most beautiful city: Udaipur

Most interesting city: Mumbai

Äntwert (2)

Ich bin froh für Euch, dass Euch Indien soviel gegeben hat und Ihr die Gelegenheit nutzen konntet, eine ganz andere Kultur so intensiv kennenzulernen. Und - alle Berichte von Euch haben mich sehr neugierig gemacht, irgendwann einmal das Land zu besuchen ;-)

Eure Berichte waren deshalb besonders eindrucksvoll, weil ich das von Euch erlebte mir gut vorstellen kann. Anders als Dirk würde ich nicht Indien besuchen wollen