Die Schweden sind ein harter Brocken
Die Schweden sind ein harter Brocken

16.08. Linköping

Verëffentlecht: 17.08.2019

The night was calm and pleasant, after a short visit to the lake (where a few Poles set up their tents late in the evening) we pack up and drive a few kilometers further to Linköping where we first visit the open-air museum Gamla Linköping. Here, the old buildings and streets of the town have been preserved (and once again equipped with actors to create a real 'time travel feeling'). To the joy of the kids, there is a, admittedly well-designed, experimental museum where we spend what feels like hours after a short walk.

In the afternoon we visit the Flygvapenmuseum (finally something for Flo) - a museum of the Swedish Air Force where all sorts of aircraft (especially from the company Saab, which was founded in Linköping) are exhibited. In the basement there is a Swedish DC-3 shot down by the Soviets in 1952 and salvaged from the Baltic Sea in 2003, the disappearance of which and its consequences (the so-called Catalina affair: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalina_affair) are very informatively documented here.

The children can sit in a Draken here and try out some flight simulators - and so the next vacation day flies by again. We continue towards Stockholm and check in at a nice campsite in Malmköping. In the evening we get free music entertainment, including cheering, drunk Swedes until late into the night, thanks to an entertainment band playing in the campsite restaurant.


Reesberichter Schweden