Vanlife Stories
Vanlife Stories

In harmony with nature at Lac de Vouglans

Published: 12.10.2021

What was initially intended as a short bathing stop turned into a multi-day stay. This place is too beautiful to just pass through.

On the second morning, I surprise Florianne and Eddy with a breakfast porridge. The ice is broken :) They invite me to lunch - potato and leek pan with French cheese from the region (Morbier, as I just googled).

In the afternoon, I accompany the two of them while they collect mushrooms. How many times have I wished to go mushroom hunting or meet people who know about mushrooms. Karma...

A few kilometers into the forest from our spot, we find all kinds of different mushroom species. Thanks to Florianne's knowledge, her smart book, and smart Google image recognition, we are able to identify the edible mushrooms. So we find a lot of small purple milkcaps, a few chanterelles and champignons, and a porcino mushroom.

In the evening, we turn them into a delicious mushroom sauce with pasta in the cozy warm caravan with an oven. I am fascinated by how the two of them live here in total harmony with nature. A beautiful evening - besides the company and the inspiring conversations, it feels particularly good to be warm in the evening. That's something that's missing a bit in my little realm at the moment, even if I can make it cozy and warm to sleep with blankets, a sleeping bag, lambskins, and merino clothing. :)

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Schön hast Du die Zwei getroffen und Du konntest Pilzesammeln erfahren! Dein Karma öffnet Dir alle Türen :) Wenn Du wieder hier bist, gehe ich auch mit Dir Pilze sammeln!

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