
Great Ocean Route (Apollo Bay-Port Campbell)

Published: 05.01.2017

As always, we wanted to leave earlier today, but somehow something always comes up. Today it was a load of laundry, postcards, stamps (the latter cost a fortune, so be happy if you receive one of the rare postcards), a sailor's pants (all before breakfast), and the booking of accommodation in the Grampians, which prevented us from leaving early.

Anyway, despite the really crappy weather (foggy and poor visibility), we drove quickly from Lorne to Apollo Bay to start the real part of the stage on the Great Ocean Route.

Today we first drove to Cape Otway to the lighthouse and from there we had a view of the rugged coastline and let the wind blow around our ears. On the detour road there, we saw koalas again (did I mention that I'm in love with these animals???) 🐨 once even a big one with a baby koala on the same tree, back to back... 😍

Then we (now without navigation - the stupid cow doesn't give directions anymore and only shows the map (it took us half a day to figure that out)) drove to the Twelve Apostles and briefly (well, about 20 minutes) considered whether we should take a helicopter ride to see them from the air. We looked at them from the many viewing platforms and decided to spend the money on something else crazy (says the man... 😢 I say).

In Port Campbell, we had a nice dinner in the evening sun at the bay, and then started back to Lorne. Fortunately, we can also go through the hinterland (not comparable to home, dear Biedenkopfers), so we managed the route in less than 2 hours (it would have been almost twice as long along the coast). We were rewarded with a beautiful, very long sunset on the way and now we're packing our bags because we're continuing on the Great Ocean Route tomorrow morning (but really!) and then heading to the Grampians.

And it has to be said again: Uschi, the navigation system is stupid... hopefully it will recover overnight and be of service to us again tomorrow.

Answer (2)

Los, zeig den Hut! Und die Hose (die war doch sicher für Seemannsbraut Maria?)!

Vielleicht kennt Uschi such eunfach nicht aus.

Travel tradit Australia