
Petäjävesi Old Church

Published: 29.06.2022

In the afternoon, I took the commuter train with Julie and traveled to Petäjävesi. There, we visited the old church from 1763, which is made entirely of wood and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. I'm not usually a fan of churches, but this is probably the first church where I felt so comfortable and at home. The wood makes everything very warm and it also tasted delicious (a mixture of incense and wood). Since the connections weren't so good, we spent a total of 6 hours in this very small village. Eventually, the train was even more delayed. We walked around a bit, had a picnic near the water by the church, and even had an ice cream. On the way back to Jyväskylä, we went to Morton to eat burgers for dinner and then we were completely exhausted from the heat of the day.


Travel tradit Finnia