
7th day/8th day

Published: 25.10.2022

The 7th day of our trip was supposed to be a bit more productive, but it turned out to be another pleasantly relaxing day at home. What can you do? This accommodation was premium. We watched Twilight and enjoyed the day. In the afternoon, however, we decided to go to a nearby park (probably the only one in Surrey). It was small, but nice. The colorful autumn foliage of the trees provided the perfect backdrop for beautiful pictures... just take a look at our gallery. Amazing.

The police were here again... sympathetic. It was always an exciting guessing game whether we heard a gunshot or fireworks. Idyllic. Anyway, we walked... you guessed it... once again to the Superstore to do some shopping. When we got home, we had a feast with pasta, spinach, bread, and samosas, which Toni almost died from the spiciness and Doro and I almost threw up. In short: not so tasty.

A normal evening, with Toni falling asleep on the couch again, was coming to an end.

It was lovely.

The 8th day of our trip and it was moving day again. We had to say goodbye to our beautiful accommodation early in the morning. We had an important appointment at the bank in Vancouver, which hopefully promised us a Canadian bank account. So we packed up again and I must say... our stamina improved. Off to the bus that took us to the train station. That's when the chaos began. It was rush hour, so we had to squeeze into the extremely crowded train with our heavy suitcases and backpacks. We stood shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of people in the train. It was really cozy with our warm jackets, thick scarves, and winter socks. We finally got off the train just before we were about to vomit and we were in Vancouver again. We met Franzi at our first hostel. After a joyful reunion, we managed to leave our travel bags at the hostel even though we weren't guests. Simply amazing. Now it was time to go to the bank.

While Franzi and Toni went for their consultation first, Doro and I waited comfortably for the others. But the nice lady at the reception took care of us and ended up explaining more to us than the guy with Toni and Franzi. Honorary lady.

Finally, we had our accounts and just wanted to quickly go to the SWAP office to print our resumes for job hunting. Of course, it went wrong. Can't do anything about it. No one answered the intercom, so we stood in front of a locked door. A nice man let us in and there we were, four backpackers with travel bags in the foyer of an office building. Dreamy. The elevator didn't work either, so we sat there and waited. Eventually, someone came. We quickly took care of everything because we had to catch the ferry.

We got on the train again and headed towards the ferry. We switched buses again and then we were on the ferry to Vancouver Island.

Once we arrived there, we got on another bus and finally made it to the center of Victoria. You really can't imagine it... we got on the next bus and finally arrived in the small suburb of Esquimalt after 5 hours of travel. Our first impression of Victoria: better than Surrey.

Our accommodation was cozy too, so we just did a quick grocery shopping, cooked dinner, and then went to bed.

An exhausting day comes to an end.


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