
Departure & Hong Kong 03 - 04.09.18

Published: 04.09.2018

There's not much to say about it, except what's already in the headline. It's only important to know that Tom, Fiona, and I escaped on Monday, 03.09. at 13:45 and our first flight to Hong Kong took off. It was a pretty long flight, at least for us beginners (except Fiona), which lasted 11 hours. We couldn't sleep. Tom was fascinated by all the Marvel movies available on Cathay Pacific. Fiona tried, but she was woken up every time by new warning signals or meal distributions (she sat by the aisle and I was very hungry). And I sat in front of the only little boy in the plane, maybe four years old, which meant that you stayed awake not only from the crying and kicking, but also from the constant turning on and off of the light, because he wanted to have a new book read to him.

Nevertheless, I imagined flying to be worse and the 11 hours longer. At 6:40 AM (HK time), the time had come and we were allowed to disembark and experience how you are sent in different directions by airport personnel for hours, completely tired, sweaty and exhausted from carrying things, in search of a way to Victoria Peak (some mountain - Fiona's idea). But it was a really good idea in retrospect - Thanks, Fiona!!

In short, we found it even though it took a long time. But the way back was just as complicated, because no matter what anyone should say at any time - the airport in Hong Kong is not more organized than the one in Frankfurt!! (Thanks to the woman from the FRA airport check-in for this lie).

The farewell from our families and friends was quite difficult. Especially at the airport in FRA, from my mom and her boyfriend, but if I were to write about it now, I would just start crying, so I'd rather not. (at this point: I love you, Mommy!).

Now we're waiting for our next flight, which will depart in about 5 hours and take us directly to Auckland. I'm so looking forward to a shower and a bed - I've never been so excited about it.

— Marie

Answer (10)

I Love you Tu mein Mäusel ❤️

passt auf euch auf und viel spass

Viel Spaß jetzt 😍

Ich schließe mich an und wünsche euch auch ganz viel Spaß und passt gut auf euch auf 💋

So niedlich geschrieben. Ich musste lachen und weinen gleichzeitig!😍

Wenigstens erfahre ich von euch bisschen was,Fiona ist da sehr geizig mit Infos😂

Habt ne schöne Zeit ihr zwei und seid immer schön lieb zueinander 😘

Super schön geschrieben, aber auch sehr schöne Fotos.😀👍

Hallo ihr zwei, wir freuen uns riesig daß ihr die lange Reise gut überstanden habt. Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und habt eine w Zeit. Seit lieb gedrückt. 😘Viele liebe Grüße auch an Fiona.

Jawoöl Tom hat sich Marvel Fiome gegönnt... Ehrenmann!!

Travel tradit China