
Sicily at Easter by bike

Published: 02.04.2023

31.03.2023 Hattingen:

Today we are going to Sicily. Uwe will pick me up at 1:15 pm. But before that, I will do yoga at 8 am and meet my friends for breakfast at 8:30 am. And I still have to go to school for two hours.

But everything fits and the slow traffic in the Ruhr area doesn't hold us back. So we park the car in Weeze at Parking Lot 3 shortly after 3 pm. The lady from Ryanair insists that our luggage is really not bigger than 40 x 30 x 20 cm. So I show her that I can buckle the pannier even tighter and wear all the things I carry on my arm. The security check is no problem today. I even get the bike tools through. Unfortunately, the plane is delayed by a smooth 100 minutes, so we only land in Trapani at 9 pm. The AST bus takes us to the city at 9:30 pm for €4.90. Vincenzo's daughter takes us to the apartment on the rooftop. On the way to the apartment, we saw that all the shops are already closed, but we would still like to have a beer. So we go out again and only find an ATM. We almost despair at it. Only with the help of two young Italians who put their ID card in for us, we also get the beer, which we then drink on the rooftop terrace to end the day.

1.4.2023 Trapani

On the first day in Trapani, we plan to get bicycles. But first, we start in the Bar Incontro with a good breakfast.

At 10 am we have an appointment with Vincenzo. He will take us to a bike shop. So we have time to ride the house bikes to Eurospin and do some basic shopping before that.

Vincenzo takes us to the shop with his car, which I had already found on the Internet.

Then it goes pretty fast. We can get two e-bikes for €15 per day. After the test drive, we agree to pick up the bikes on Sunday at 10 am.

So now we have the whole day to explore the city with the house bikes and discover all the beautiful corners. First, we put our feet in the still fresh sea. Then we continue to Piazza Mercado del Pesche and Torre Ligny. We have lunch in front of Porta delle Botteghelle. After a coffee in the old town in front of the cathedral, which unfortunately is on lunch break until 5 pm, we still go to the salt pans. But it's very industrial here, so it's not really nice.

Short nap on the rooftop terrace, then we go out again for dinner in the old town.

The way back with the bikes is a bit tricky because they have no lights. But we manage that too because the car drivers are considerate.

2.4. Trapani-Mazara


Travel tradit Italia