
Contrast program

Жарыяланган: 15.11.2017

So, due to numerous requests from my seemingly countless readers, here is a small update of my travel report. Unfortunately, I have been very busy in the past weeks, always on the go and super busy, and therefore I haven't had the time to write. But no one here would believe me anyway. Yes, I was just too lazy to write. But nevermind. I wouldn't be me if I didn't put an end to this yawning emptiness! So here is a brief summary of my experiences in the past weeks:

As planned, we made good money in Melbourne. And because we are not just anyone and certainly not weak, we had not just one, but TWO jobs!! At the same time! In addition to costumed customer service and flyer distribution in the streets of Melbourne, we also had the opportunity to demonstrate our tireless ambition as kitchen assistants or as party hire assistants for a large agency. Our performance was thoroughly tested with a sometimes almost seamless transition from day to night shifts. Well, anyway, we made good money here in Melbourne. And as is usual among achievers, we treated ourselves to a fat car with our hard-earned money. Jerry. Four-wheel drive, V6, 3 million cubic millimeters displacement, bull bar and plenty of storage space. There's not much more to be said about that.

But because all of that wasn't enough for us, we turned a cool car into a super cool car and built a bed in the back. We had the active support of Tim, Annalise's cousin, who not only helped us with the car inspection and provided his garage for the conversion, but also got his hands dirty himself. Without him, we probably would not have had the car or our bed. A huge thanks to him at this point.

Otherwise, our everyday life was characterized by a strict savings program. #backperlife. To the detriment of our fitness, Hungry Jack's (Burger King) turned out to be a very cheap alternative to cooking for ourselves. I'm not particularly proud of it, but thanks to various coupons and offers, the staff there probably know our first names by now...

We spent our evenings constantly searching for the cheapest beer and thus discovered various bars and clubs in Melbourne. So there were not only sober evenings, despite the savings program.

But now all of that is behind us again. Almost exactly 9 weeks after our arrival, we decided to leave Melbourne and look for a farm job in the Yarra Valley. Almost in the outback, we immediately came across a pretty venomous snake and the first kangaroo. You're just not in Germany here. The ever-improving weather underlines this impression impressively.

And because I'm lying in our car on a parking lot and I'm pretty tired, I'm saying goodbye for now. Stay smooth and see you next time.
