
In the jungle, the mighty jungle...

Жарыяланган: 28.11.2018

... the lion sleeps tonight!

We definitely didn't sleep last night :-D

Yesterday we flew from Bangkok on time with AirAsia and landed in Surat Thani at 2 pm. A mini airport in the middle of nowhere - there is only one baggage belt and the suitcases were there within 2 minutes! We also had no problems at the airport in Bangkok, everything runs much faster and more structured than in Germany.

From Surat Thani, we decided against the minibus and for the luxury of a taxi. The journey to the Khao Sok National Park, 110 kilometers away, took 1 3/4 hours and cost only 35€ with a private taxi. During the journey, you can already see a lot of greenery, jungle, and tall limestone mountains. In the end, a signpost led us to our accommodation and I was initially a little shocked. Really deep in the jungle. Nothing around, the reception is a wooden hut and a man takes our luggage and drives it through the jungle with a wheelbarrow to our place. A small wooden house on stilts, mostly open, with an "bathroom" in an outdoor area. Apart from a bed with a huge mosquito net and a few incense sticks, there is nothing in this house. Even with our Thai SIM card, there is no reception here. We decide to take a small jungle trail marked with arrows - you should definitely not do this on your own. Geckos and lizards are everywhere, hanging on every ceiling. In the accommodation, there is a small kitchen/restaurant where you can sit and observe everything, so we decided to have dinner there. In the next moment, it started pouring down like buckets, real waterfalls from the sky, and within seconds there were no paths anymore, only rivers. We sat and waited for 2 hours until we thought the rain was lessening and dared to go back to our treehouse. We were soaking wet anyway.

Let's talk about the night...

Well, the night, that's something I have to get used to :-D

You lie in your open treehouse, only protected by a large mosquito net, and hear animal voices and sounds that you have never heard in your entire life. Monkeys jumping over you through the trees and especially the piercing volume of the crickets! I couldn't sleep at all because I have to honestly admit that I was afraid of suddenly having snakes or spiders in bed :-D but as the night went on, I got used to the sounds and at least got a little bit of rest. Still, not for the faint-hearted. Now we have to think about which tour we should do today.

Have a nice Wednesday, everyone!

Жооп (3)

Huhu, wie bereits angekündigt habe ich mal euren Blog verfolgt :) Habe ich richtig gesehen, dass ihr im Khao Sok im Smiley Bunglow untergekommen seid? Dort werden wir nämlich auch untergebracht sein. War es denn soweit in Ordnung? Die Bewertungen, die wir bisher so gelesen haben, waren ja recht durchwachsen. Liebe Grüße und noch einen schönen Resturlaub! Lena

Hey Lena! Wir waren direkt im Dschungel, im „Our Jungle House“ und im Smiley Bungalow nur mal essen, der ist weiter im Ort und nicht ganz so abgeschieden im Dschungel. War echt aufregend in einem Baumhaus zu übernachten und nachts die ganzen Tiere zu sehen uns zu hören, allerdings auch sehr laut. 😂 wann gehts denn bei euch los? Ganz viel Spaß und liebe Grüße, Linda

Hey Linda! Klingt nach einem interessanten Erlebnis ;) Wir hatten bei unserer ersten Thailandreise 2014 auch eine Übernachtung im Khao Sok, wo wir leider eine unschöne Begegnung mit einer handgroßen Spinne gemacht haben, die sich in unserem Zimmer sehr wohl gefühlt hatte... Wir fliegen dann am 19.12. erst mal nach Krabi. Wir freuen uns schon sehr :) Ich hoffe, es geht dir wieder besser und ihr könnt eure restliche Reise genießen! Liebe Grüße Lena