Von der Mecklenburgischen  Seenplatte bis-nach-Dänemark-
Von der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte bis-nach-Dänemark-

From Hohen Demzin to Basedow through the Mecklenburg Switzerland :-)

Жарыяланган: 23.09.2020

Tuesday was an absolute rest day for the three of us. After the cows let me sleep, Daniela heard them this time around 5:00 a.m. :-(. We had decided to spend the day at the beach in Waren. Daniela and Littlefoot made themselves comfortable in the beach chair. I walked a little through the water, but it was too cold for swimming. Daniela, who is usually the one who can handle the cold better, actually went swimming. She said I should emphasize that I'm being a wimp this time :-)))))! So Tuesday was truly relaxing and uneventful.

However, our night from 0:15 a.m. was very exciting. I was thirsty and when I went back to bed, I heard a noise outside. Something was moving over the dry leaves. Help, I immediately thought of burglars. I lay still in bed and could only hear these noises, my imagination went wild. Nevertheless, I gathered all my courage and tiptoed to the tilted window. To me, it sounded like someone standing in the leaves. I woke up Daniela and she almost had a heart attack because I scared her :-(. We both listened to the noise and she said, those are not burglars, and what would they be doing here anyway? 'Yeah, I don't know, steal from us or something else, who knows'. It turned out to be a large hedgehog. Its nest is right below our bedroom window ;-).

Feeling a bit worn out from the night, we got back on our bikes today. We chose a nice route right outside our doorstep. It went through the Mecklenburg Switzerland :-). Along our route were also some beautiful castles. We visited a few of them. Our personal highlight, however, were two observation towers, each offering a great view of the lake landscape. We spent some time here, soaking in the scenery. Impressed by the beautiful area, we continued riding. It went up and down through forests and fields. The route was again very impressive in terms of landscape. As far as the eye could see, only fields or forests. There were huge fields of sunflowers next to us. Unfortunately, they had already wilted, but it still looked amazing. In Basedow - 'a pearl' of the Mecklenburg Switzerland - we treated ourselves to a delicious piece of cake with CREAM :-) and a dose of caffeine at the castle cafe. Absolutely delicious :-)! After we had refreshed ourselves, we explored the village and then continued our ride. Suddenly, a SNAKE darted in front of my bike. It wasn't a blindworm, but a long thin snake. It looked like a shoelace and was just as long. It vanished into the reeds in no time. Daniela hadn't seen it, but Littlefoot did :-)))))! We took a short break in a field with endless straw bales. Daniela really wanted to climb onto one of the bales :-). I had already seen her fall down, but everything turned out fine. We rode through some small villages and both noticed: they are all in top condition. It's as if every house has been freshly renovated. The roads and bike paths are also in more than good condition. We were very impressed by that as well.

After almost 54 kilometers, we have now arrived home, exhausted. Littlefoot is so tired, she went straight to her basket and fell asleep.

Now we treat ourselves to a delicious drink and send best regards, Anke & Daniela and Littlefoot :-)

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Monika schreibt: Du schreibst wieder so interessant und lebhaft. Beim Lesen kommt es mir vor, als wäre ich mit dabei.