Tag 123 - cozy

Жарыяланган: 06.09.2019


- Jonna

Our water tank is empty again, so we are heading to the next refill opportunity. It is located in a place where we can spend some time. There is a library that we will visit briefly (the Wi-Fi is the best here and the atmosphere is always very pleasant). We download audiobooks, movies, maps, and upload pictures and posts. Of course, I can't resist the second-hand stores here and I find a whisk that is not included in the camper kitchen package, but which we have missed dearly when beating egg whites for pancakes. In another second-hand store, we find lemons for 20 cents, which we take a few for ginger lemon tea. We continue to a free spot by a fjord. There is an incredibly long pier that goes almost to the middle of the water, and after exploring our surroundings, we spend the rest of the day in the camper reading, playing, cooking, and watching Scrubs a bit.

- Jonna


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