Tuesday, 21.01, Oslo

Жарыяланган: 07.02.2020

Early the next morning, I finally arrived in Oslo, extremely exhausted. To make the most of it, my first action on site was to purchase a 2-day city pass, the high price of which should drive me to fully utilize it.

Since my accommodation (a small but nice room in okay location with extremely communicative Spanish women in the neighboring rooms) would not be ready until the afternoon, I decided to take a wonderful boat trip in glorious weather. The ferry is part of public transport and visited the small islands in the Oslo Fjord.

The plan for the remaining, killable time consisted of visiting museums. Number one was the Nobel Peace Prize Museum. It is quite interestingly designed with an exhibition about this year's winner on the ground floor and, among other things, the winner from last year on the first floor. I was not aware that I was being observed by one of the organizers on the latter, who then wanted to chat with me about my impressions, which of course benefited me as well. Number two was the Cultural History Museum, which makes an effort but, given Oslo's size, falls significantly behind those in Berlin or Vienna, for example.

The rest of the day consisted of catching up on sleep, strolling through the city, and looking for food that wouldn't bankrupt me in one go.

I am now writing this report and the following ones two weeks after my return. This means they are somewhat more compact, but probably contain more than enough information to satisfy most readers. I myself can see that not every step I take is terribly interesting to others.


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