Glacier Alley

Жарыяланган: 11.03.2018

Today we had to get up really early. The alarm clock rang at 7 because we were heading into Glacier Alley. A series of glaciers and ice fields that all belong to the southern Patagonian ice field. And of course, it was worth it. I can't remember the names of the glaciers, but they were definitely Espana, Francia, Alemania, Hollanda, and so on. But the glaciers are not named after the countries, but after ships that were named after the countries. You learn so much here. 😂

There are too many photos, I know, but I couldn't decide and it was really impressive. 📷 Now we have arrived in Tierra del Fuego, more precisely in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world. This is our last time in Argentina on our trip. We have been to Ushuaia before, eight years ago. So we don't have big plans today and we spend our time in nice cafes with internet 😀👩‍💻

And tomorrow we have to get up early again because we have the circumnavigation of Cape Horn on the program. We will now have three days at sea through the Chilean glaciers and fjords before we dock again in Puerto Montt on Thursday.

By the way, we also saw animals at sea. Yesterday I saw a whale diving. Today, in addition to a large number of albatrosses, we also saw a few sea lions. The dolphins were on the other side of the ship, so we unfortunately missed them.

Жооп (1)

Wie singt Hans Albers: "Kap Horn liegt da vorn, nun heißt es auf Gott vertrau'n" Ich wünsche gute Kap-Umschiffung!