The journey begins...

Жарыяланган: 08.02.2018


So far, we didn't really feel like we were on a 9-month journey.

The time with Jonas felt more like a second home and a real luxury. But now it was slowly time to move on.

But where to?

A good question. I somehow thought it would take longer to agree on a destination. At least an hour... but not 10 minutes.

After just under 10 minutes, it was clear to us that the best and probably most beautiful way was the east coast of Argentina.

At least part of it.

The place we chose was the small coastal town of 'San Clemente del Tuyu'.

After buying our ticket on Wednesday, full of anticipation that it would finally start properly, the preparations began.

Everything that had been used in the last 2 weeks was somewhere in Jonas' apartment.

On your marks, get set, SEARCH.

That describes it quite well. Anyone who has ever been on vacation knows the excitement.

Do I have everything now?

The difference: tourists can buy something again. With our house on our back, many things are not so easy to replace and it hits the daily budget hard.

Now that almost everything was packed, we enjoyed a last dinner together on the roof.

Can anyone guess what we had?

Rice pan similar to the one on the first evening.

For my part, I can say:

I love this food ♡

Unfortunately, it was time to say goodbye to this place. The first part of our trip.

Personally, it wasn't really easy for me. We were just starting to get to know people better. Something that is difficult for us with our style of traveling, as we constantly change places.

Arriving at the bus station meant waiting... and waiting... and waiting...

The one hour we waited felt like forever. With a slight delay, partly completely normal, we were finally on the bus to San Clemente del Tuyu.

It must be said that these buses are definitely better than in Germany. In South America, there are three price categories ...

Each one a bit more luxurious. We chose semi-cama, which in plain terms meant: wider, more comfortable, reclining seat with a small snack (sweet cookies).

When we left Buenos Aires at 1 a.m., we didn't know what to expect 5 hours later...
