
02.05.2016 Meningie, halftime and the house on the 50 dollar bill

Жарыяланган: 07.05.2019

Halftime - now we've been here for over 3 months, longer than on our first farm. It's somehow quite exhausting to only have every other weekend off in the long run.

There were a few not so pleasant days or weeks as there is another couple here who have been here for two years and the man likes to play the boss ... he looks for errors that don't exist, and for example because Mike forgot to put a hose exactly as the gentleman would like it, he actually drove 1 km to Mike just to tell him that -.- . Then you can't think of anything anymore.

The farmer noticed this partially and sought a conversation with everyone to clarify the problem. We can say that the conversation went better for Mike than for the other guy. So we are now hoping for improvement.

Yesterday we removed one of the many Brown snakes here in the area. Brown snakes are quite poisonous and can even kill you with just one bite. We were lucky that this one was still relatively small ... Mike first killed it with a wooden stick and then separated the head with our axe just to be sure.

A colleague of ours told us that he had a huge Brown snake in his garden a week ago and it was so big that he had to shoot it with his shotgun. He even took a photo holding it up. It was about 2 m long. He simply found that too dangerous.

The farmer has revealed another little secret tip to us. Take a closer look at the 50-dollar bill, do you see the church in the background on the side with the man's head? This city and this church are only 20 km away from us. The man on the 50-dollar bill grew up there. Of course, we had to go there and take a photo of it :-) We have now also extended the registration of our car and thus crossed off one item on our to-do list.


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