
Niclas Suhr: "Phillip Island Part I"

Жарыяланган: 30.10.2019

Phillip Island Part1:

It was a very exciting day for us. After we started our day with a tasty breakfast with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, we went on the road again.

Unfortunately , we drove only about 5 minutes from the hostel, when we suddenly had some technical problems with our bus. Luckily, the problem got fixed after the bus driver could identify the problem somehow in the rear of the bus and we could continue our journey.

After a travel time of around 3 hours through the outback of Victoria, we arrived at the Queenscliff Ferry station. There we took the ferry to Sorrento. The view from the ferry was spectacular!

After that, we head off to Churchill Island Heritage Farm, which is a huge natural resort. There we were allowed to discover the area by ourselves for about 1,5 hours. In that area you could see a lot of animals, e.g. some rare Australian birds or an Australian kind of yak. That farm is very impressive because it is located next to the sea.

Afterwards, we went to the café inside of the farm and had lunch. In the end, we even had a friendly meeting with a peacock sitting next to us 🦚 🙃

Niclas Suhr (EF)

It was a very exciting day for us. After we started our day with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, we went to our rooms and packed our things into the bus. Unfortunately, after only about 5 minutes from the hostel, we suddenly had technical problems with our bus. Luckily, the problem was solved after the bus driver could find it somewhere at the back of the bus - and then we were on our way. After a travel time of about 3 hours through the hinterland of Victoria, we arrived at the Queenscliff Ferry Station. There we took the ferry to Sorrento. The view from the ferry was spectacular, as we could see the beautiful harbor. Unfortunately, the prices of the shops on the ferry were very expensive and everything was very expensive, but many of us were hungry enough to buy something to eat. After that, we went to Churchill Island Heritage Farm, which is a huge nature reserve. There we were allowed to be alone for about 1.5 hours. In this area you can see many animals, for example some rare Australian birds or an Australian type of yak. This farm is very impressive because it is right next to the sea. After that, we went inside the farm to the café and had something to eat. Finally, we had a friendly encounter with a peacock that sat next to us.
