Half time :)

Жарыяланган: 31.10.2016

Hello and a wonderful holiday from Ireland :)
No, I didn't make a mistake, for us, October 31st is actually a holiday, but November 1st is not. This is the first time that I have to go to uni on November 1st (hopefully the last time too). On Wednesday, I also have my first midterm exam. But, as the grandma would say, 'oh come on, it'll be fine'. I hope she's right :)

Apart from the uni stress, my Irish life is really great. Don't get me wrong, I also really enjoy my uni courses, but running around in the area is more fun :D

Here are some pictures from my trips in the neighborhood:

 This sweet, lovely Cork. That's exactly how I imagined it before I came here. I took this picture when I was walking along the River Lee. 

The UCC campus on Saturday morning. I'll take a photo during the week for comparison. It's difficult to get through then.

The main entrance of the UCC campus on the south side

On the weekend, and also today, the Guiness Jazz Festival is taking place in Cork. You have to experience it, unfortunately I can't post videos here, but I took some pictures for you. The whole city is full of people, you can find a band on every corner, it feels like being in a movie. In between, you can also find food stalls, just like at the street food festivals in Austria. Oh Cork, you're just great and I love you <3

A proper bratwurst at last :D (Yes, those are pickles, yes it looks disgusting, and yes, it tasted really good)

I notice that this blog post is shorter than others. Even though there isn't much to tell at the moment, I wanted to show you what's happening with me. But now the quiet time is over, we realized during breakfast today that it was our last 'free' weekend. The next 7 weekends are planned, Dingle, Ring of Kerry, Amsterdam, London, Northern Ireland - here we come :) and in 53 days it will be - goodbye Ireland - hello Austria. Tomorrow marks 2 months that I've been here. 2 months in which I learned, saw, and experienced so much. 7 weeks are still ahead of me. And every minute will be used. Then the blog posts will be longer and more interesting again ;)

To those who celebrate Halloween today - have a lot of fun. Halloween is celebrated big here, of course we can't miss that either. A happy holiday to all of you tomorrow,

lots of love from Cork

xxx Danni

Жооп (1)

Boah! Schon die Hälfte vorbei. Dann wünsche ich dir noch viel Spaß in der verbleibenden Zeit. Deine Berichte machen Lust auf Cork!