Day 11 - Roadtrip Part 2

Жарыяланган: 11.12.2019

Our next destination is the -of course illegal- grass stronghold of New South Wales, Nimbin. The community there, with an average age in the 40s, has a penchant for art, music, and all things handmade in general. We stroll through the lovingly designed main street with its numerous small shops, and every few meters we catch a whiff of intense grass scent. I particularly like the wishing tree on the terrace of a café, and I curiously read some of the many little notes hanging on it. From Nimbin, we head to Byron, where I show Matze my favorite spots. We set up our rooftop tent in the very idyllic Holiday Park and visit the Byron Bay Brewery. In the evening, we enjoy a delicious lasagna and kangaroo steak burger in a beer garden while listening to the melodic sounds of musician Micka Szene (for those who want to check him out on YouTube). I find the numerous 'Missing' posters that depict the Belgian backpacker who was last seen here a few weeks ago somewhat depressing. Since his trail leads to the cliff at the lighthouse, it is assumed that he fell and drowned. Memo to everyone: No drunken climbing adventures, that can end badly...Next, we head to the Gold Coast, where we take a short hike and visit another brewery (because we're on vacation ^^). Burleigh Heads is definitely one of the nicer areas of this district, dominated by high-rise buildings. On July 18th, we arrive at 'Somewhere to Stay' in Brisbane. I had actually reserved 2 beds in a 6-bed room, but when we go to the assigned room, only 1 bed is available. We return to the reception, and the poor newcomer there feels overwhelmed by the situation. Eventually, he gives us a completely empty 6-bed room. We are perfectly fine with that, and when we learn the next day that no one else would come until we move out, we quickly put 2 mattresses on the floor to be able to sleep side by side. We take a trip to the Botanic Gardens in the northwest of Brisbane, where there are gigantic cacti and numerous species of ferns to admire. In a small gallery, we meet the artist Robyn Carr and her German friend, who spontaneously invite us for coffee and cookies. This is one of the things I love about backpacking life: being open to such encounters, exchange, spontaneous stays... Later, we indulge in a gnocchi restaurant in Paddington. The next day, it's brewery tour again. We start with the Green Beacon, then head to the Newstead. Both are located in Newstead, and both are very good. The second one brews crazy things like a 100% oatmeal dark beer and a 100% wheat beer, and we take several cans with us. After 3 days, we leave Brisbane behind and continue our tour north, with farm job search on our agenda to secure the second year in Australia. First, we treat ourselves to a paddle tour at Bribie Island, where we can watch stingrays in the water. We spend the night at a rest stop by the waterfront, where we meet a couple from France who have a job on a strawberry farm nearby. They give us the address, and we go there right away and get the job. It can be that easy :) Initially, we meet one of the intermediaries (contractors) in the field, who tells us that we have to sleep in the farm accommodation. When we take a look at it - unpleasant container huts and masses of people - we start talking to some people who recommend 'Big Mama' as a contractor. They say she is fair and a good person, but the work is poorly paid and boring, but every day - no matter how long - counts for the 88 days. With that, we make our decision and set out to find 'Big Mama'. The next morning, we start, and for a change, we have to weed, which is very hard on the back but only lasts until noon. The next day, the normal strawberry picking routine begins, and let me tell you: it's dirty work.
