
What do you do in Berlin?

Жарыяланган: 05.08.2017

You transform. From a tourist to a resident. On one hand: You don't have to see everything in three days. On the other hand: You procrastinate because you have soooo much time and soooo much to do and you keep putting it off.

So off to the Botanical Garden for the tango concert. No participation in dancing allowed. Half of the performance is enough. During the intermission, it's time to go home. Small detour: Tempelhof airfield.

Doesn't sound exciting? Smartass! Have you ever walked on a real airport runway? Two people kissing in the grass on the left. Two people sitting on the center line eating beans from a can. Suddenly, three cyclists pass in sync. Three people walk by, singing 80s hits. A new experience every three meters. You don't find that everywhere. And if you look up, a new city view.

Eventually, you end up at the end of the runway in Neukölln on Hermannstraße. Oh well, Nuts and Co! Approximately 300 different nut specialties in all degrees of temptation. It probably won't be open anymore, it's 10:00 pm. Thank goodness. 500 fewer calories.

Oh well. It's still open and acquaints us with its ice cream section. All organic, all naturally from Turkey with a matching video. We're impressed, but we only buy 200 grams of roasted almonds, still hot. After all, we want to lose weight.

But now it's time to go home! Maybe have a drink. There's a nice bench at the 'Onkel Ernesto' convenience store. Nuts and Radler. Hmmmmm.

At 10:15 pm, within 60 seconds, four police cars and five ambulances pass with their sirens blaring. No one turns their head, we drink our Radler and enjoy the beautiful evening. A young man approaches us and says, 'Fire?'. The Turkish convenience store owner corrects him, 'That means, could you please have a lighter?'. The questioner looks around in surprise. The convenience store owner in the best Berlin dialect: 'I just want to help.'

The series of ambulances seems to never end. We see that the flashing lights have stopped about 200 meters ahead on our way home. We continue walking and see the scene. At the Hermannstraße S-Bahn station, a 20-year-old without a driver's license and wanted with an arrest warrant crashed into a group of people. Four people injured on the street plus two in the unregistered car.

If it wasn't for the nuts and Radler, we would have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Six rescuers are attending to the two occupants of the car, and four young people in summer clothing are receiving CPR on the sidewalk.

We continue on in dismay and are grateful for our gluttony.
