
For the xth time "Oh, look ..."

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 28.11.2019

It's only spring here, but the temperatures are high! Right after waking up, I knew that today, on the last day, I'll just enjoy doing nothing, the sun in the shade, and the wind.

I still had to go to the "City", and the movement felt good. And there it was again, the moment of "Oh, look ..." I've passed by this famous Pisco distillery so many times, but how can you see it with the sun. I didn't take part in one of the tours, but I took a look in the public area.

Then I had ice cream and headed back to my village. In the midday heat, I took a nap, as it should be.

Now it's time to pack my backpack. Tomorrow I'm going back to Santiago. On Saturday, I'm flying back to Hamburg.

I've seen so little of this country, yet I'm taking home sooooo much. It's the many nice people, Chileans, and the nature is really, although mostly very barren, somehow beautiful. There it is again: I return with a laughing and a crying eye ...

Ansa (3)

Moin Netti nun geht deine schöne Reise dem Ende zu. Ein großes Erlebnis wo du sehr lange von zähren kannst. Schönen Rückflug am Samstag.

Schade, dass du nun wieder zurück fliegst. Es ist so nett gewesen, deine Beiträge zu lesen. Und nicht, daß ich immer ans Essen 🍴 denke, aber es sieht immer sehr gut aus. Komme gesund wieder nach Hause.

Wie, was? Morgen nach Hause? Und was mache ich nun morgens als erstes? Keine Berichte mehr - das geht doch gar nicht. 😘 Guten Flug morgen. 🛩 und zieh dich warm an. 😘