Take off

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 02.03.2023

So, I survived the flight. Light turbulence over the Bermuda Triangle (shoutout to the fear of flying, it was great), but otherwise it went well. The approach to Panama City was quite breathtaking, we flew directly over this beautiful chain of islands, which I will visit on Sunday, and then over dense rainforest.

I can't say how glad I was when I finally arrived at the hotel (which is btw pretty cool) and also how hungry I was when I woke up again this morning :D

At 4 my body thought it was time to get up and then I started the morning by walking along the long promenade to Casco Viejo, where many people run and do sports in the morning. Often without a shirt. Often very fit. You can probably imagine how excited I am about this promenade 😏

Now I'm going to look for some food and more will come tomorrow☀️

Ansa (1)


Panama we de na di kɔntri
Travul ripɔt Panama we de na di kɔntri

Mɔ travul ripɔt dɛn