
Return journey with a grand reception in Sanna Amareta (St. Margarethen)

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 17.07.2021

After a short last night at the hut at an altitude of 2,300 meters, all the hikers were up at around 07:00. Once again, the hut team spoiled us with a delicious breakfast. The last things were packed, the raincoats were unpacked once again, as it was raining again at just 3 degrees Celsius.

We said goodbye to the hut team after putting our radio fund card through its paces and prepared ourselves for the march from the hut over 8 kilometers to Tschamutt, where we had to catch the train. The descent was no longer a real challenge for us, as we had already walked almost 200 kilometers. We reached Tschamutt train station, got on the train, and enjoyed the train journey back to St. Margrethen. The train journey took us past many places and locations that we had crossed on foot in the previous days. Many memories of some very exhausting days came alive. The journey through the Rhine Gorge was fascinating as the Rhine was really flooded.

We had to change trains twice on our train journey until we finally arrived in St. Margrethen (we now call it Sanna Amareta!!). When we got off, there was music playing at the train station and at first we thought there was a fair or something going on. It was only on second glance that we realized that a large number of relatives, acquaintances, and friends were there to surprise us at the train station. The Gaißau music band had also come out to play for us. The reception in St. Margrethen was overwhelming and there were tears of joy...

After a short speech, we sang a song specially composed for us to the melody of 'Vo Mellau bis gi Schoppernau', which our girls had rewritten for our hike - that was a special highlight. Thank you for that!!

Afterwards, with our mascot Isidor in tow, we crossed the border into Höchst, where a representative from DEBRA (Britta), a Vorarlberg butterfly child (Nino), and Denise from ORF were waiting for us. After a few first words, we marched together to Spenglers Haus, where his family was waiting for us with a snack. The further march along the main road from Höchst to Gaißau then became a triumphant event. You can imagine it somewhat like the victorious gladiators returning home. Cars honked, people cheered us on, it was a great feeling, especially because of the great joy and participation of the population.

Finally, we visited the Funkenplatz in Gaißau to leave a radio greeting for Ingo. Ingo would have loved to be with us on our journey....

Then we went on to our club house, where the rest of the radio team, our families and children, the mayor, and many other guests welcomed us. The reception was magnificent and the relief of having made it was even greater.

The radio operators had prepared a small celebration with drinks and food, the HÜVV (Hüttenverschönerungsverein) had decorated and decorated our club house splendidly.

A bouquet of flowers for our two-wheelers Gota Tanja, a speech by the radio master Marco, and a cozy ending were all that remained.

At this point, it is time to thank everyone who made this possible. Roland and Josef for the great meals after our stages, the many visitors on our way, the HÜVV for their support, the radio operators for the welcome party, the many donors and supporters of our campaign, and the many others that I cannot list here...just thank you.

And one thing is clear, even though this journey was difficult and exhausting for the radio operators...we will continue to make ourselves heard, that is beyond question. An association with which you can move mountains and steal horses...there is nothing more to say.

Radio operator Brrr

Ansa (1)

Auch ich freue mich sehr mit Euch über diesen grandiosen Empfang und Erfolg und bin sehr beeindruckt darüber, daß eine dreißig Jahre alte Idee wieder so viel Freude verbreiten konnte. LG. Gotta Karin
