
Tag 57 - Journey from Agnes Water to Yeppoon

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 23.02.2023

In a week, we will be heading back to Melbourne, where we will have one night before flying home. So, we want to make the most of the last week and start the day with a walk on the Paperbark Forest Boardwalk. There, we can see different Livistona palms, swampy land, tall paper bark trees with climbing "maiden hair", a fern that snakes its way up the trees.

We continue on to Lake Awoonga and take a quick look. Then, we want to go to Mount Archer National Park, but when we arrive, we can't find the hiking trails. Since it starts raining, we decide to drive on to Emu Park. There, we stroll through the town and take a break by the sea. Afterward, we continue on to Yeppoon and check into our hostel. In the evening, we cook again and walk along the beach. By now, the sun has set and we see many stars above the sea as we reach the city center of Yeppoon. We spend the evening in the hostel, chatting with some other travelers from Holland, France, Belgium, USA, and Australia.


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