
Muddy & Foggy.

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 26.05.2022

Greetings to Germany! Finally, we are back on track with the blog and you can read in the morning what we did the day before. And on the first day in Washington and also the last day with Cherry (that's what we named our car), we went out into the green again. But first, we allowed ourselves to sleep in. We actually had a room on the 5th floor, but the receptionist was so kind that he moved us to the very top floor on the 12th floor. He must have seen that we need a lot of sleep and the hotel is located very close to the highway. That could have ended in a disaster. So once again: Lucky us! The one thing we didn't have much luck with today was the weather. After washing some laundry in the room and eating the 78262nd sandwich for breakfast before setting off, we already knew: Today it's going to be cloudy!


We drove for about 2 hours to Shenandoah National Park. The first trail was a little outside in the north. It ran along the water and was called Overall Run Trail. It was 4 km of pure mud. Our shoes, our pants - we felt like children or wild pigs. Good thing we washed this morning. Mannoman.

Small river.
Small river.
Small river part 2.
Small river part 2.
Hidden picture.
Hidden picture.

Then we wanted to cross the national park on Skyline Drive. Pretty quickly, we realized that the view today leaves something to be desired. But entering cost a whopping $30. However, the park is well maintained and the roads are very well-traveled. Benny was able to demonstrate his driving skills with a visibility of less than 10 meters and the intersection of a total of 4 deer and a bunny rabbit. Everything is still alive, including us. 😃

As you can see, you see nothing!
As you can see, you see nothing!

The next trail led to a beautiful waterfall. In the thick of the forest, there was no cloud anymore blocking the view. Unfortunately, the 1.5 km that went downhill also had to be climbed back up. Sweat and rain isn't such a great combination. But it was absolutely worth it.

Couple waterfall.
Couple waterfall.
The fog.
The fog.
Marie after a hike.
Marie after a hike.

The visibility unfortunately did not improve, so we decided against waiting for a sunset in the national park. Driving in the dark, on a serpentine road without streetlights, but without visibility ahead, didn't appeal to us. On the way back, we were still above the clouds from the height for a bit and had a small view of Hazel Mountain.

The view!
The view!
Viewpoint 2.
Viewpoint 2.
Creepy Tunnel.
Creepy Tunnel.

Back down in the valley, luckily everything was clearer, a bit foggy, a bit drizzling rain. But not a big deal. Our hunger led us to Panda Express today. Finally, something different and really delicious. We highly recommend it! 🥰


Since parking in Washington is eating up our savings, we parked a bit outside and took on more walking. But since we have to maintain our average of the past few days, it fits well into our plan 😅

We send our greetings across the pond and tomorrow we will continue our sightseeing trip through Washington. Keep your fingers crossed that the sun might come out too. But not too much! 😃

B ❤️ M

Here again, because we really liked the waterfall and don't want to end the blog with Chinese fast food:

Ansa (3)

Wandern durch die Pampa. Eurer Urlaub ähnelt doch unseren Urlauben sehr. Seid ihr alt?🤭 Bei dem üppigen Essen müsst ihr vor dem Rückflug auf die Waage. Übergewichtalarm🚨

Eure Berichte sind echt klasse 👍 Man hat das Gefühl dabei zu sein und mir tun die Füße auch weh 😅 Für's Wetter drücke ich die Daumen.

Ihr macht echte coole 😎 Abwechslung, Städte Trip zu Natur Pur. Eins haben sie gemeinsam, Häuser erklimmen den Himmel und ihr die Berge. Schade mit dem Wetter, wegen der Aussicht, aber auch das muss man erleben. Freue mich auf den nächsten Blog 🌞

Travul ripɔt USA