Thailandtour 31.12.2021-28.01.2022
Thailandtour 31.12.2021-28.01.2022

The journey to Sukhothai

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 06.01.2022

Now we're off again, past rice fields to Sukhothai. Today, Kori has decided to be the navigator. After 10 times of 'please turn around', she finally gives in because we're already driving 40 km in the wrong direction :). Second attempt and we arrive in Sukhothai, where we have to go to the hospital to do the government-mandated second PCR test. Like everything in Thailand, it takes a bit of time. Finally, after over an hour, we're done with the registration and the test. We drive to our accommodation for today, 'Le Charme', in Sukhothai. We visit some rooms and decide to stay. It's a beautiful property with lots of greenery and orchids. We've booked a Thai massage for 6pm - it costs 470.00 baths each, which is about €10.00. Everyone complains a bit, but it's a pleasant pain. After an hour, we feel reborn and Kori and Od want to have something to eat, so we drive to the main street and they find something at a street food stall. Our rooms are in small bungalows surrounded by water, with water lilies and fish swimming in them. We go to sleep to be fit again for tomorrow.

Ansa (1)

Danke, dass ich „dabei“ sein darf aus dem dick verschneiten Kärnten! Freue mich dein Land so ein bisschen kennen zu lernen und „will“ beim nächsten Mal mit liebe kori😘😘😘euch Mädels wunderschöne Tage 🥂🥂🥂

Travul ripɔt Tayland