
Fram- & Kon-Tiki - Museum (29.08.2018)

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 27.01.2019

After breakfast, we went to the Fram and Kon-Tiki Museum.

In the Fram Museum, you can admire the ship, the Fram. The Polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen wanted to let himself be carried to the North Pole with the help of the ice drift. It was the strongest ship of its time. He set sail from Oslo in 1893. However, the plan to drift with the ocean current failed, so he continued on foot with his companion. On April 8, 1895, they reached a latitude of 86°14'N, the northernmost point reached by humans at that time. In 1896, Nansen returned to Oslo with the Fram.

Two years later, Otto Sverdrup used the ship to explore the region northwest of Greenland. Roald Amundsen, who was the first person to reach the South Pole on December 14, 1911, also completed his journey with the Fram.

Today, the ship is exhibited in the museum. You can even enter and admire it from the inside.

In the museum, the ship Gjøa is also exhibited. With this ship, Amundsen was the first to conquer the Northwest Passage from 1903 to 1906.

In addition to the two ships, equipment, photos, maps, and much more are exhibited. It is a very beautiful and interesting museum. It is really worth seeing.

Opposite the Fram Museum is the Kon-Tiki Museum, which we also visited. There you can see the balsa wood raft Kon-Tiki. With this raft, the Norwegian zoologist and anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl and his companions drifted from Peru to Polynesia in 101 days in 1947.

In addition to the raft, you can also see the papyrus boat Ra II, a replica of a ship from ancient Egypt, in the museum. With this replica, Thor Heyerdahl and his crew crossed the Atlantic from Morocco in 57 days in 1970.

In addition, you can admire everyday objects from South America and Polynesia, as well as stone sculptures from Easter Island in the museum.

This museum was also very interesting to visit. You need to allocate some time to read through everything because there is so much information, but it is really worth it. We had a beautiful and very informative day, and we learned a lot of new things.


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