
Showering with the bullfrog ?!

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 29.01.2020

Another topic is personal hygiene. This is currently less about the caravan and more about the late summer temperatures in southern Spain. Therefore, we fill bottles with water from springs and place them under the hood or in the cabinet above the gas heater. This way, we can have a nice warm shower in the morning - or rather in the afternoon, due to the outside temperatures. But of course, we have also been in the sea, although it's not quite as warm.

This afternoon, we passed through a village in the mountains near Alicante and came across a river with crystal clear water. At the small bridge that crosses the ford, we thought it would be a good idea to fill up the shower bottles. Unfortunately, one of the bottles slipped out of my hand and ended up on the other side of the crossing, in the water, which is probably 1.50 meters deep and very, very cold. However, Zappa once again proved to be the hero and plunged into the icy waters to retrieve the bottle, albeit a bit reluctantly. I don't want to fall behind, so I quickly washed myself in the cold river, but luckily I didn't have to swim.

Sometimes, it happens that frogs reproduce in a water reservoir near the spring. But not just any small green frogs, that wouldn't be very exciting. No, on top of a huge, at least plate-sized, zebra-striped señora frog sits a slightly smaller dark green frog. They feel disturbed by our amazed looks and dive a little deeper, which is why they are hardly recognizable in the proof photo. We research on the internet and come to the only conclusion that they must be the unpopular bullfrogs, as no other amphibian gets so big. The only question remaining is how these giants managed to make it to these 600-meter-high elevations.

Ansa (1)


Travul ripɔt Spain