
Ines in luck

게시됨: 09.06.2019

After a week with my two travel buddies, I arrived at the Hostel Casa Luna last night and for the first time 'all alone' in Thailand. I was very excited, long before the trip, and asked myself a thousand questions: Will I find connection there, will I be able to handle it all, blah blah blah.

The hostel is small and really nice. There is only one dormitory with six beds, which are actually never all occupied.

After check-in, I clenched my butt cheeks and sat down at a table with someone. This someone is called Istavan, a very nice Bulgarian who lives near Vienna. We drank beer together and immediately had really nice conversations. And I had to grin inwardly because I was so happy that I had made such a good match right from the first try.

A short time later, a Londoner whom Istavan met in Bangkok, and his Cambodian vacation love, who lives on the island, came and we had a delicious meal.

The three of them wanted to go to Chaweng later, the party mile of Ko Samui. I was actually quite overwhelmed by the long journey and thought that party miles really aren't my thing. But when I heard that they were going there by scooter, I immediately invited myself. Riding a scooter on the island at night: I think that was almost the most beautiful experience so far. I couldn't stop grinning. But it was topped when I stood in the warm sea with a Mojito in my hand and looked into the distance. In that moment I was so happy that a few tears of joy were shed.

Later I sat with Istavan on a long pier right by the sea, which is only a minute's walk from the hostel, and then fell blissfully tired into bed.

My first real day on Ko Samui was very relaxed because of the long night. I slept in first, treated myself to an iced coffee in the beautiful sitting area of ​​the hostel, and then ate in the hostel next door.

Afterwards, I walked along the sea with music in my ears and was once again overwhelmed by how beautiful it is here and how good it feels. After a few hours of sunbathing, I'm back at the hostel now and have extended my stay here by two nights.

In three days, Mama and Michael will continue to Ko Phangan. It's nice to know that they are nearby, even if we don't see each other. And I'm really impressed with the two of them, how great and relaxed they are coping with everything. I'll take a page from their book!

답변 (2)

Willkommen im Club der gelassenen Asien-Traveller 😀

Mensch Ines, das hört sich sooooo toll an!! Beneidenswert! Bestimmt kommen noch einige solcher beeindruckender Momente auf dich zu. Halt die ganz fest und nimm sie in dein Schatzkästchen auf!