
3.11. Old Town Quito with Romolo

게시됨: 04.11.2018

After a delicious breakfast, today we took the trolleybus to the Old Town. There we joined a really great three-hour tour of the Old Town with Romolo.

Our tour guide Romolo
Our tour guide Romolo

He had a great knowledge of Quito's history and told it in a very entertaining way in English. Now we know about the political upheavals, the reasons for currency reform, and where to find the most delicious food and the best chocolate in Quito. Really highly recommended. Here are some of our stops.

The old theater (burned down twice)
The old theater (burned down twice)

The church of San Francisco
The church of San Francisco from outside
and from inside (the photo is from the Internet. Taking photos is not allowed inside the churches)
and from inside (the photo is from the Internet. Taking photos is not allowed inside the churches).
When we were there, there was a Mass going on. Very impressive. In addition, there were colada morado (a drink made from black cornmeal and fruits) and small breads to buy, because it was All Saints' Day.

The most beautiful church in Latin America
Church of Compañia der Jesús inside
Compañia der Jesús (Photo Internet)
The churches were partly connected by underground passages, which are now used as souvenir shops.

Calle La Ronda
Calle La Ronda

Plaza Grande
Plaza Grande

In addition, there was a lot to see on the street.

These figures seem a bit sinister, like the Ku Klux Klan. But they are the penitents of Semana Santa. During Holy Week, they parade through Quito.

In the evening, we met up with Anett, Milo's former daycare teacher, for dinner. Coincidentally, she and her husband and friends came to Quito on the same plane as Kay and Carsten. And they happen to be staying in the same hotel where we stayed before. 😁 Very funny everything.
This picture is mainly for Uta. Greetings from us.
This picture is mainly for Uta. Greetings from us.

답변 (2)

Hallo liebe Urlauber! Mit grosser Freude habe ich heute das Bild gesehen!!! Vielen Dank! Ich lese mit Begeisterung die Berichte - toll! Ich wünsche allen noch weiterhin einen schönen Urlaub. Liebe Grüsse aus dem november-schmuddeligen Deutschland

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