
01. January Melbourne - Bannockburn

게시됨: 02.01.2023

Hearty breakfast at the hotel, Brody and Claudia join us as well. How nice.
But now comes the task of the day. All our luggage, Willy's family and Barth's family have to go into the car.... Thanks to Brody's help, he's an engineer, so his studies have paid off, we managed to fit everything in. hahaha.... So now we're going to Glen and Denise, friends of Mike and Liz and Ralf. He knows Glen from his time at Lufthansa.
In the 80s and 90s, many Australian Unisys (Fortran) programmers worked for LH. That was called the Flying Circus back then. During this time, the contacts and friendships with the Australians were established. Both Mike and Glen worked in Frankfurt at that time. I met Mike and Liz when Ralf and I worked together on a project, which eventually became 'our project'. ;-)

Glen and Denise have a holiday home in Torquay, about 45km from Melbourne near the beach. They surprised us with a great barbecue and we surprised them with a bottle of champagne. It worked out well for both sides.

We leave some of our luggage in their house and settle for one suitcase for Tasmania. When we return from Tasmania, Ralf and I will be alone, as Mike and Liz will fly to Brisbane, we will stay at Glen and Denise's. So everything fits very well.
But for this night, we have booked a holiday home near the ferry port.
A nice house in the countryside in the middle of nowhere.
