
#15 Reunion is a pleasure - or maybe not.

게시됨: 15.11.2021

November 05 - 07, 2021: Meursalt

F. Finally Friday - no, we don't have to work, but still we were looking forward to Friday because we were supposed to get our new hoses installed at the workshop at 8 a.m. full of anticipation and with the thought of already being on the road towards the Mediterranean, we entered the Fiat dealership at 8:05. The same picture as on Tuesday emerged. One employee or boss sat behind his counter serving the first customer, while the rest of the employees in sales stood in a circle chatting. The employee who had looked at some pictures on the PC last time was now leisurely reading a newspaper. After a short time, all the employees except the one mentioned above disappeared into a break room that was not visible. When it was our turn, the boss recognized us immediately and asked us to wait a moment. He walked into one of the back offices and called out in French something like: I need someone here in front who speaks English. Then he came back and served the next person. Almost half an hour later, he noticed that we were still standing in front of his counter. He immediately walked with us in his brisk pace with us in tow to the break room where all the other employees had gathered half an hour ago and got the two employees from last time who spoke some English. They then informed us that our spare part was not delivered this morning. We both must have had very shocked faces, so they went back to the warehouse keeper and inquired whether the parts would really not be delivered later in the day. They reassured us that they would call us if the parts were delivered later in the day. When we left the store, we overheard the boss asking the two of them what they had agreed with us. I could tell, even without understanding a word of French, that he was not pleased, as he did not expect anything else to be delivered today.

We went back to our camper totally crestfallen for the time being. What were our options? Drive south, hope the patch on the hose holds and have the parts sent later or spend the weekend in Dijon. We decided to drive back to the Beaune region to Meursault. There was a campsite there that was open until Sunday. In addition, the campsite is in the same chain where we spent the last weekend in Wattwiller and were totally convinced.

The campsite was very well equipped as expected. This time there was no heated swimming pool, but a wood-burning stove in the common room. We ended the day with a short walk through the village and let ourselves be informed about the characteristics and differences of the selected wines from the region in a small wine tasting. As an absolute wine novice, after a short time I only understood the simplest things - a little bit of French-English gibberish that the seller had spoken with us had also played a part. I could taste the difference between the different wines very well and was surprised that the location of the cultivation (hillside or plain) made such a big difference. In the evening, we sat in front of the warm fireplace and wrote a few blog entries.

The next morning, our breakfast was accompanied by melodious tuba music. Our neighbor practiced his tuba in the sunshine, so that the entire campsite could listen. He explained to us that as a tubist of the Berlin Philharmonic he was already retired, but due to Corona there were delays in individual projects in which he plays, so he took his tuba with him on vacation and is now training his embouchure after all. Jenny and I spent the day hiking in the vineyards and tasting the occasional grape that was still hanging on the vines.

On Sunday, we left Meursault around noon and drove back to Dijion, as the next appointment at the workshop was scheduled for the next day.

traditional vineyard order
traditional vineyard order
This wine was made from grapes from exactly this field.
This wine was made from grapes from exactly this field.

Day 23 - Total tour 1,947 km

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