Narrenspital unterwegs
Narrenspital unterwegs

Finally a courtyard cafe

게시됨: 01.06.2020

Wow, what a joy....

Coffee and Cake
Coffee and Cake

... we discovered the Hofcafe Ehlers here in Hasenmoor during our first bike ride.

Outdoor area
Outdoor area

We chat over coffee and cake 

Ambience and Interior
Ambience and Interior

about the ambience and interior and let this joyful occasion

Therapeutic signage

have a massive impact on our psyche.

Rooster without a Basket
Rooster without a Basket

답변 (2)

Richte dem Hahn aus: Wer kräht............... stirbt!!!

Letzteres ein Hahnenkampf? Weitere Bilder durften nicht gepostet werden

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