
First cable car tour to Alp d'Huez

게시됨: 29.07.2022

After a comfortable 10 km ride along the 'Donauradweg' from the campsite to the cable car in Allemond, we first went up to about 2100 meters with the cable car. Rarely has an ascent been so easy. However, finding the entrance to the Cross Country Tour proved to be more difficult. The bike park's many branching paths made it challenging for us to locate it. Eventually, we found it and were able to start a comfortable mountain crossing.

After descending a few meters, we had to pedal uphill again, with an incline that felt like 20%. Fortunately, this section was very short.

Not quite sure how to proceed (our preparation was not flawless this time), we decided to change plans and try the VTT 25er. The decision was correct. Instead of forest and asphalt roads, we zigzagged down a cool trail. Only the last few meters had to be covered on asphalt.

With plenty of reserve energy (we didn't even have to snack during the tour), we enjoyed potato goulash, made a short, unsuccessful visit to a shop in Le Bourg-d'Oisans, and planned the next few days over a delicious glass of red wine.


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#kartoffelgulasch#le bourg-d'oisans#gondel#alpd'huez