
07 nach Carboneras

게시됨: 22.03.2024

Distance 98 kilometers, cum. 569 kilometers | Altitude 1,080, cum. 3,640

Compared to yesterday, today I found paradise. At least as far as the hotel room is concerned. For just a few euros more, today I have 2 large beds, a kettle, towels to dry myself off, and much more. The hotel is right on the beach and I can see the sea from the balcony.

But let me tell you the day from the beginning. Apparently the rhythm means that I'm always ready to leave at 8 a.m. I was aware that I would have to overcome a long and high climb right from the start. Surprisingly, that doesn't bother me much; I have a little more respect for the descents. Even today I reached speeds of over 50 km/h. There could be a lot more, but I just don't have the courage. I always think about the brake pads, which are subject to a lot of wear and tear. I estimate that our total weight is 130 kilos. That's why I went down a steep slope on foot. Firstly, it's good to walk once in a while and there's a lot less weight to slow down.

There are many large greenhouses in the area. From what I have seen and read, tomatoes are specifically grown. Seen from above, it looks like huge fields of snow. You can see this clearly in the photos.

Today the wind also came from a favorable direction for me. Nevertheless, I sometimes felt it as a headwind from the front and it was particularly disgusting from the side. I have to concentrate on balance. If only I had inherited a little of it from Fredy Nock. I met him once in Europa Park, I always liked him and I very much regret his early death.

I was always under the mistaken opinion that there couldn't be big differences in elevation along a coast. The last few days have taught me otherwise. Today too, there was a total of 1,080 meters in altitude. By the end of the trip, Vogellisi and I would have to overcome an altitude of over 35 kilometers.

I go shopping once every day. There are 3 things that are always on my shopping list: milk, water, bread and something for lunch. Today I added underwear because I somehow lost one. And no, you can't think anything indecent.

Just like now, I always enjoy the time after my day tour. Today I'm sitting in a beach bar drinking a beer and writing this entry in my blog. It's pleasantly warm and I enjoy it. Am I not to be envied?


Comparado with ayer, hoy encountered the paraíso. Al menos en lo que se refiere a la habitación del hotel. For each of us, there are more than 2 large bedrooms, water heaters, secateurs and much more. The hotel is located just on the beach and is located on the beach on the balcony.

Pero déjame decirte el day desde el principio. Al parecer el ritmo hace que esté listo para salir a las 8 am Desde el principio era consciente de que tendría que superar una subida larga y alta. Sorprendentemente, eso no me molesta mucho, tengo a poco más de respeto por los descensos. Including high speeds greater than 50 km/h. Podría has much more, but simply does not tengo the coraje. When you get to the brakes, the subjects are very despairing. Calculate the total peso is 130 kilos. Por eso bajé a pie una pendiente pronunciada. First of all, it's good to come back in time and have a lot of money to reduce the speed.

There are many great winters in the zone. As you can see and see, the tomatoes are specially cultivated. Visto desde arriba, parece enormous campos de nieve. Puedes ver esto claramente en las photos.

Hoy el viento también vino de una dirección favorable para mí. Sin embargo, a veces lo sentí como un viento en contra desde el frente y fue particularmente desagradable desde el costado. Tengo que concentraterarme en el equilibrio. It's just a hub for Fredy Nock. When we were in Europa Park, I enjoyed it and complained a lot about my time.

You should have the same opinion that there is no need for large differences in elevation on the far side of a coast. The last days I saw the opposite. This means the total altitude of 1,080 meters. At the end of the journey, the birds and they tend to exceed a distance of more than 35 kilometers.

Voy de compras una vez al día. There are 3 things you can do in my list of products: leche, water, pan and everything for the meal. Hoy agregué ropa interior porque de alguna manera perdí una. Y no, no se puede pensar en nada indecente.

Al igual que ahora, shempre disfruto el tiempo después de mi gira de un day. He also sent a chiringuito tomando a cerveza and wrote about it in my blog. Have a heat that is stable and low. ¿No debo ser envidiado?

Compared to yesterday, I found paradise today. At least as far as the hotel room is concerned. For just a few euros more, I have 2 large beds made up, a kettle, towels to dry myself off with, and much more. The hotel is also right on the beach and I can see the sea from the balcony.

But let me tell you about the day from the beginning. The rhythm seems to mean that I'm always ready to leave at 8 am I knew that I had to tackle a long and high climb right at the beginning. Surprisingly, that doesn't bother me much, I have a little more respect for the descents. Today, too, I reached speeds of over 50 km/h. It could be a lot more, but I just don't have the courage for that. I'm always thinking about the brake pads, which are put under a lot of strain. I estimate that our total weight is 130 kilos. That's why I've already walked down a steep slope. Firstly, it's good to walk once in a while and there's a lot less weight to slow down.

There are many large greenhouses in the area. As I have seen and read, tomatoes are grown specifically. Seen from above, it looks like huge snow fields. You can see that clearly in the photos.

Today, too, the wind was coming from a favorable direction for me. Nevertheless, I sometimes felt it as a headwind from the front and it is particularly nasty from the side. I have to concentrate on my balance. If only I had inherited a little of that from Fredy Nock. I met him once in Europa Park, I always liked him and I very much regret his early death.

I was always under the wrong impression that there can't be big differences in altitude along a coast. The last few days have taught me otherwise. Today, too, we climbed a total of 1,080 meters. By the end of the trip, Vogellisi and I should have covered over 35 kilometers in altitude.

I go shopping once a day. 3 things are always on my shopping list: milk, water, bread and something for lunch. Today I also put on some underwear because I somehow lost one. And no, you mustn't think anything indecent.

I always enjoy the time after my day's tour like I do now. Today I'm sitting in a beach bar drinking a beer and writing this entry in my blog. It's pleasantly warm and I'm enjoying it. Aren't I to be envied?

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Absolut beneidenswert🥰

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