
Tag 30: Cape Range National Park (Osprey Bay, Mandu Mandu Gorge, Oyster Stacks, Turquoise Bay, Osprey Bay)

게시됨: 13.10.2018

Even today, the alarm goes off at 6 o'clock. We have breakfast and drive to Mandu Mandu Gorge for a hike. The gorge hike (class 4) takes about 2 hours (3 km). The first part of the trail leads through the dry riverbed. The stones are a bit rough and it's difficult for Samuel and Maxima to walk. They quickly lose interest and want to be carried. The second part of the trail leads up the mountain and along the edge of the gorge. It's easier to walk here and the older kids walk on their own again. From the top, you have a beautiful view of the gorge and the sea. Of course, we have a snack with us and when we reach the "summit", we enjoy our lunch. On the way down to the parking lot, there's a short steep section, but otherwise the hike is manageable with 3 little kids. A nice change from the beach and snorkeling.

We drive to the Oyster Stacks. Snorkeling is only recommended during high tide (time schedule available at the Visitor Center) and today it's from 11 am to 2 pm. We arrive at the parking lot around 12:30 pm. There we meet the Schegg family from Switzerland. They are traveling for a year in Asia and Australia (3 months) with their two daughters. We exchange travel experiences and time flies by, as does the high tide. We cook noodles with tomato sauce and explore the beach near the Oyster Stacks. There are many crabs to see here.

We drive back to the Visitor Center because there is a dump point and it doesn't hurt to empty our toilet. The kids are pretty exhausted and all three fall asleep.

We drive back to Turquoise Bay today. During our first visit, we only explored the Bay Loop, and today we want to venture on a snorkeling tour on the Drift Loop. Michi drops me off at the parking lot and continues with the kids to the Bay Loop. A very beautiful snorkeling spot! Beautiful corals, many fish, large schools of fish, and Michi even spots several sharks (blacktip and whitetip reef sharks) during his two drift snorkeling tours. I stay in the camper with the kids. They don't feel like going to the beach. It's too cold for them (the wind is blowing quite a bit today) and they would rather play and paint inside.

We drive back to Osprey Bay. The evening sun bathes the whole landscape in a beautiful light. On the way to the camp, we see many kangaroos and the two older kids are very excited. Since there are a few clouds in the sky today, we experience a very atmospheric sunset at Osprey Bay. Tonight, we have Scotch fillet steak with wedges and salad.

October 11, 2018

Accommodation: Camp Osprey Bay / Cape Range National Park (1 night, 22 AUD, largest campground in Cape Range NP, beautiful location, some pitches have ocean views)

Weather: sunny & windy, 26 degrees

62 kilometers today, total of 4,685 km
