An Unexpected Journey...

An Unexpected Journey...

We have another vacation and I still have no idea where the journey will go. After a few days of pla...

10th-17th week - Everyone is doing badly in the township

What is the difference between a township and a location? In 8 weeks, a lot can happen, from theft t...

Week 6/7 - Blood donation, Garden Route, and Hospital

Our vacation has begun, so we rented a car and set off on the Garden Route. In addition to a few typ...

4th/5th Week - Afrikaans, Port Alfred and PE

We are getting more and more insights into the country and its many different cultures. A meal witho...

2nd/3rd Week - High Tea, Hike, and Spring Day

The four of us have been in Alexandria for 3 weeks now and are starting to get to know the village. ...

1st week - School, Township and Kenton-on-Sea

The first week in school, our international project, is over. We have seen townships and spent a bea...