1. Night in Vancouver

ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ: 17.06.2019

Moin to everyone!

The flight went super smoothly! And I met Marion, who happened to be sitting a row in front of me, how crazy! 😂😂 Greetings to Marion, have fun on your vacation! However, the entry was rather difficult, to put it gently... I intentionally didn't mention working on the farm to avoid trouble. Well, that backfired ☺️. No one understood why I'm in the country for 5 weeks and only booked 1 night and 1 bus trip to Kamloops. I was interviewed a total of 3 times and they wanted proof that I can afford the trip. Unfortunately, I couldn't prove it because comdirect.com was undergoing maintenance 😂. And then I got annoyed, and then they got annoyed too. Anyway, it worked out in the end.

Then off to the hostel! Unfortunately, sleepiness kicked in and everything was pretty slow. I also briefly felt lost. But then it went away. Beautiful city, see pictures! I think my expectations were so high that the city could never live up to reality. Also, the misery here is as obvious as in San Francisco, where Silly and I saw entire homeless villages on the side of the freeway.

Arrived at the hostel, first made the bed. The rooms are a bit worn out, but the bathrooms are great. But no way I'm going out before I fall asleep 😉

The first pictures are from the waterfront at Canada Place. Amazing backdrop! Then I went to the old spaghetti factory in the Gas Quarter to have some pasta. One picture shows the tourist clock, which used to be powered by steam when everything in the area ran on steam.

Back at the hostel, I had a cool conversation with my roommates, one from London, one from Austria, and one from India.

But slowly, I'm running out of steam.

After 5 hours of sleep, I stumbled into the shower a bit disoriented. I had to get up early because I wanted to catch the bus to Kamloops at 8:30am.

Breakfast was okay, and I made it to the bus on time. Crazy! 😂 Now I'm on my way to meet my slave driver for the next 3 weeks! I'm very curious.
