Flåmsbana - or what we didn't need

ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ: 10.09.2023

Coffee and extensive breakfast with yoghurt and banana. Let's go into the shower. As nice as the pitch is, we are pretty spoiled when it comes to the sanitary facilities and these ones are rather so, well. But who cares, we'll make the best of it and adjust ourselves. It's supposed to go to the Flåm Railway this afternoon. It's pretty to look at, and the train gives you a slight Harry Potter feeling. Red-orange seat upholstery and wood paneling. Very pretty!

One hour goes up and one hour down again. We drive through the mountains, small rivers meander in the valleys and there is also a decent waterfall. There is a stop and there is a show especially for the tourists. The sagas and fairy tales of the Norwegians deal a lot with trolls, but also with elves/fairies. This creature depicted probably sang like our Loreley or the Greek sirens and thus lured people to the mountain. They did it nicely, music and singing can be heard over the loudspeakers and a lady in red dresses and a magnificent blonde wig dances and entices. The magic doesn't seem to work like that anymore, at least we don't lose any of the passengers to the mystical figure.

Arrived at the top, there is a short stop and then we go down the same route again. Including another show insert.

Bottom line: it wasn't right for us. We have already seen a lot of this country and nature, in this respect there was nothing new for us on the tour. The train was traveling so much too fast that it was difficult to take photos and many of them didn't come out, especially from the windows, which were sometimes very milky. The lighting conditions weren't optimal either, but of course nobody can do anything about that. For people who can't or don't want to hike, it's definitely a cool alternative to discover a little something. It didn't go so well for us.

There was one thing that Natasha would have done if she had known about it beforehand. Almost at the top there is a stop where you get to a cable car. It then leads from there down into the valley. Very cool. But unfortunately we didn't have that on our radar. And it probably would have cost a tiny fortune, because this point is part of the conclusion. It was actually too expensive for us for the experience. We paid over 600 NOK per person for both tickets round trip. For half that price it would be more acceptable. But for us it's one of the things we've done and that's fine with that 😊

But what couldn't be missed after this day of tourism was a stroll through the very small but self-confident "Mall of Norway" and the small town. Afterwards, Natascha finally has her Norwegian sweater. It's a cardigan, but it's safe to wear 😄

Back on the pitch we make ourselves comfortable and take care of our barbecue evening. Today there are Fiske, more precisely Laks. Freshly caught. In the supermarket. And because we are gluttonous, three pølse too. And salad for your conscience.

It was extremely tasty, grill master Günni and kitchen assistant Natascha prepared an excellent meal. Afterwards we're as round as a ball and would like to throw ourselves down straight away, but that's part of camping: now it's time to wash up. But the whole thing is more fun as a team and since rain is forecast for tomorrow, we're packing for our onward journey tomorrow morning. We continue back towards Kristiansand, but with one more stop. We don't have many days left in this wonderful country, but we are excited to see what we will discover.

ಉತ್ತರ (2)

Ja, das kenn ich mit dem Beförderungs-Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, v.a. aus der Schweiz. Aber hier sieht es doch nach einer sehr schönen Bahn-Tour aus! Der Grillteller sieht natürlich superlecker aus. Ihr schreibt aber nichts zum Lachs-Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis,- das ist sicher genau so wie das der Bahn... :-)

Das Lachs-Geschmacks-Preis-Verhältnis war spitze. Das dürften so 8 Euronen für die beiden Stücker gewesen sein. Und der war mächtig lecker 😄

ಪ್ರಯಾಣ ವರದಿಗಳು ನಾರ್ವೆ