Small addition...

ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ: 01.12.2016

...the project has also entered the hot phase for me and the first data has been collected! After about 30 hours and 4 reef circumnavigations, it's time to juggle numbers on the computer again. It's an exhausting story, but snorkeling at a far-off reef at night is not something you can do every day, and as a reward, you get - besides tons of data - extraordinary sunsets and sunrises.

Office & sleeping place for 30h
Office & sleeping place for 30h
Setup for measuring CO2 content in the water, among other things.

Data here primarily means CO2 concentrations in the water, an important indicator of the state of the reef and important in the global context for assessing climate change (yes, it really exists! Even if unfortunately some political figures turn a blind eye to it...). Where does the CO2 we emit go and what are the long-term consequences?



ಸೌದಿ ಅರೇಬಿಯಾ
ಪ್ರಯಾಣ ವರದಿಗಳು ಸೌದಿ ಅರೇಬಿಯಾ