Found a new hobby? ;-) (Day 62 + 63 of the world trip)

Жарияланды: 06.11.2019

05. + 06.11.2019

Yesterday we didn't write an entry because there wasn't much to tell^^ Not that much happened today either, but hey, we're checking in ;-)

After a calm and almost pain-free night (maybe it was the dose of painkillers that made falling asleep easier :D), Jonas woke up in the morning but there was no visible improvement :( So I went alone to 7-Eleven and he got to enjoy the luxury of breakfast in bed since sitting wasn't possible yet ;-)

After breakfast, not much happened for Jonas for the rest of the day :p Since I always have to bring our trash from the third floor to the ground floor, I looked around in the lobby, which is covered with posters for excursions (our host is also a tour operator/provider). There's another bookshelf there where you can exchange books <3

Since Jonas is immobilized and can't watch YouTube all day (okay, maybe he could, but it's kind of lame. He's already seen all the content in Varkala :D), I had the idea to look for a book he could read.

In case you didn't know, Jonas hasn't read a book since his childhood. "Krabat" is the last one he can remember^^ But by chance, I found a book about King John, the king from the story of Robin Hood. The Middle Ages, stories about kings, and history in general are things that Jonas is generally interested in, and when I suggested the book to him, something surprising happened: he liked it!! :D

So we spent the rest of the day reading <3 I read my second book I bought in Varkala, and Jonas immersed himself in English history. Every now and then, we talked about the book, and at noon, I went out to get a snack from the Irish bakery. In the evening, Jonas wanted to try getting takeout together, but he wasn't quite ready yet :D

We made it to the restaurant about 20 meters away, but after we had ordered, Jonas realized that standing was now difficult as well, so he went back to the hostel and I took the food as takeaway :)

We continued reading until late into the night - even Jonas hardly wanted to put his book down - and then we went to sleep. Jonas lay in bed the other way around so that he could elevate his legs at the actual head end because that was the most comfortable position. It didn't look uncomfortable! :)

This morning there was a wave of improvement! We walked together to 7-Eleven, 200 meters away, to get breakfast. We had breakfast sitting down and then we spent some time on the rooftop terrace, where Jonas could walk around a bit and continue reading.

At noon, we went to a small covered fruit and vegetable market and bought pineapple, mango, and bananas, which then became our very healthy lunch :D It was funny because as mango newbies, we didn't know exactly how to peel it. We just peeled off the skin, but who knows if that was necessary? ^^

In the afternoon, we continued reading (I finished my second book and picked out a new one from downstairs - about alternative healing methods for Hashimoto! What a coincidence^^), chilled, and around 5:30 pm or so, we had dinner.

Jonas seems to be really mobile again. The restaurant is a bit further away than 7-Eleven, but the walk was no problem (he practically ran ahead of me :p), and sitting on the padded benches with cushions as backrests worked great. Yay! :)

As "dessert," we got various cookies from 7-Eleven (we're already going through withdrawal :O) and now we're winding down the day comfortably :)

Tomorrow afternoon, Jonas has another doctor's appointment, and if everything goes well, we might go for a little hike in the afternoon, but that depends on how he feels ;-)

Oh, by the way, we will probably continue traveling to Chiang Rai on the 10th of November, but we'll only decide that after the doctor's visit tomorrow^^


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