Friday, 17.01, Stockholm

Жарияланды: 23.01.2020

I also started my proven explorer program in Stockholm the next day: unload luggage in the outrageously expensive luggage locker and start walking.

Stockholm was a slightly different kind of discovery since I was already there not too long ago, in the summer of 2015, with my dear family. So I somehow already knew the city. The focus was therefore more on the contrast between summer and winter and the many little things that I didn't know or didn't remember, or rather funny déjà-vus and the confrontation of memory and being there again.

Waterfowl feeding stations are a concept that, in my opinion as a duck lover, should be implemented in every city. I believe the photos provide enough compelling reasons...

The palace is already an upgrade in terms of grandeur compared to Copenhagen. It also houses the Armory, a highly recommended museum that illustrates the history of Sweden with armor objects (the name says it all) and uniforms. There is surprisingly a lot of clothing of Swedish kings riddled with bullet holes, who were killed or injured in them (photos above). Let me mention only

- Gustav II Adolf (whose horse is even stuffed in there; also, there is the cloth in which his widow wrapped his heart - it's as sick as it sounds, but apparently it was a political issue) [source](

- Charles XII [source](

- Gustav III [source](

Afterwards, I continued my full-day walk in the Old Town and came across the restaurant on Kastanienplatz where we ate in 2015. Especially the fact that Jackie wasn't allowed inside stuck in my memory. idiots. Compared to summer, it can be observed (without judgment) that the colors are more muted and the streets are significantly emptier and quieter. In some side streets, I was completely alone for a long time, even though the Old Town is not particularly large.

The selfie with Felicitas was of course not to be missed, this time there were even two, in front of the palace and in front of the parliament. I didn't even have in mind that this is where Greta Thunberg started Fridays for Future. Therefore, several delegations were present (including the Software developers for future - there is so much out there).

Following the traces of 2015/what one does in Stockholm, I continued to Södermalm, the trendy district of the city. You can get there via a gigantic elevator (unfortunately closed) or an equally long staircase (unfortunately open). At the end, you are rewarded with a very nice view and I was even able to rediscover the beer garden from 2015 (I know, I know, it's only interesting for the Ruyters, pardon!). Instead, I discovered a very nice viewpoint from where I went back to the Old Town. While taking the photos, I felt pretty silly with my tiny cellphone camera next to a guy who must have spent the price of a small car on his camera equipment. But I'm sure my pictures are beautiful anyway! I don't want to hear any complaints!

At the end of my time in Stockholm, I had two particularly magical moments. First, I had a mini-statue, the Järn-Pojke, all to myself, which you can find the following superstitious rituals about on Wikipedia:

- If you walk around the statue counterclockwise 3 times, you will definitely come back to Stockholm.

- If you stroke the statue's head 3 times, you can make a wish that should come true in the same year.

- If you sacrifice money to the statue, you will also reap wealth in the same year, and for women, fertility is said to be strengthened.

Naturally, my OCD immediately kicked in and I did everything like the last fool, praying that nobody from the surrounding buildings would observe me. I don't want to be labeled as the Generaloberleutnant of the German Tourist Army.

And finally, back at the palace, I was able to establish a very special connection with the palace guard as the only other person: I looked at him, he looked at me, and we saw into each other's souls. Or I was just a creepy staring tourist. You never know...

I will report on my time in the sleeper car, with which I continued my journey that evening, in the next report, which I hope to finish soon. It's going to the polar region... Until then, you will surely enjoy the overload of photos this time. You're welcome.

Жауап (3)

Lieber Felix, ich freue mich schon auf den Overkill an Fotos aus dem Polarkreis und warte dringend darauf. Jackie würde noch interessieren, ob Felicitas überall rein darf. Viele Grüße aus Paris!

Felicitas wird einfach überall reingeschmuggelt. Die Polarkreis-Beiträge sind jetzt online, ich hatte sie schon geschrieben, aber bis jetzt noch kein Internet zum Hochladen. Ich steige jetzt gleich in den Nachtzug von Hamburg nach Freiburg, hoffentlich werde ich in der Zeit den Blog noch vollenden können.

Hab' meine geflügelten Mitbewohner befragt....die meinen: "Vogelfütterungsstationen" wären angebracht....

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