Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)
Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)

The 4K Rule!

Жарияланды: 09.08.2022

Riviera Vibes had the unnecessarily present today, which made his bristly neck hairs stand on end!

Down this coast is definitely not the natural hunting ground of the noble steed during the holiday season, because Berta and the ignoble Gaijin felt the police, always hunting and often present crosshairs on the funnel chest today, like the morning, strange, but infinite bad breath of the fetid BOSAMO.

Yes, you don't just smell it, this sulphurous, egg-shoaroma-flavored breath, no, it often causes the unworthy traveler to be immediately hit again by the soothing wood hammer anesthesia after a miserable awakening and his eyes turn completely black.

Unfortunately, this often leads to a difficult-to-break vicious circle, because in order to polish the yellow, plaque-covered teeth, the terribly smelly one would have to be awake, which is not possible because he is blown back from his own breath.

Sleep apnea is the only solution here, because only in this way can the unworthy traveler manage to get to the bathroom quickly (the slow wazzock and quick, that's an oxymoron!) and can continue to hold his breath, to soak his mouth in mouthwash and thus break the vicious circle.

A little digressed the writer...

Back to the coast!

Everything is built up here and of course there is a lot going on, that's what was actually supposed to be written...

So if you like to dip your trained, firm and tanned ass in the water, you can of course do that here, but if you want to move your flabby, sagging moped gluteus during the holiday season, there's simply no help and therefore the Gaijin is setting the absolutely valid 4K Rule here and today:

Kieebers in abundance, a fat Kistnzualauf, no Kurves in front of your eyes, that won't do you any good!

This rule must be observed and will be enforced in Greece!

Oh well, the unworthy traveler hopes that the water rats among his extremely intelligent, velvety and most beautiful bookworms will finally have enough pictures on the screen today and can fall asleep satisfied, drooling and relaxed.

P.s.: I won't treat anyone who starts drooling over my mistakes with kid gloves!


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