
Arrival in Buenos Aires and exploration of the house and property

Жарияланды: 12.11.2020

Upon arriving in Buenos Aires, we were greeted by a disability service in the form of two very nice men, who guided us and an older man (also in a wheelchair like Lea) through everything that was happening: customs, temperature checking, taking photos, checking passports, retrieving luggage, etc. It went very quickly and after about 30-45 minutes we were able to leave the airport building. Outside, we were greeted by warm, pleasant air and a 'Remise' (taxis ordered by the school) was waiting for us. We drove for half an hour to our 'Barrio'. The drivers drove like crazy, with adventurous lane changes, etc. When asked for 'mas rapido' (faster), I could only say 'no' in horror, because we were already fast enough (sometimes twice as fast as allowed) and at least the car I was in with Lea and Ida didn't look quite as reliable with the taped lights and slightly rickety doors... But in the end, we all reached our destination :)

Upon arriving at the house, our real estate agent was already waiting for us. She had stocked the refrigerator for us and the children immediately dived into the food...


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