Reisebriefe von Felix
Reisebriefe von Felix

Land under in Down Under

Жарияланды: 31.03.2017

As this day brings hardly any eventful things, I will keep it short. Thunderstorms, rain, wind…

Our destination is Hervey Bay, from where we want to take a tour to the largest sand island in the world (Fraser Island). When we start in the morning, the GPS shows 4 hours of driving time. That we ultimately need almost 7 hours is due to the Australian weather. The tropical storm that hit large parts of the coast last week is not yet over.

We drive against rain and wind, drive past flooded meadows (almost every green area is under water) and past small rivers, all of which are overflowing. Some roads have also been closed. To cope with the frustration, we get some donuts first.

When we arrive in Hervey Bay in the evening, we treat ourselves to potatoes with salad and quark. But the most difficult decision of the day is still to come. When do we do the tour to Fraser Island? Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

The weather reports forecast sun and just under 30 degrees for tomorrow. Currently it is thundering and raining, and it is difficult to imagine that it will look completely different tomorrow. In addition, the owners of the campsite advise us not to do the tour tomorrow and recommend the tour for Saturday. The weather is reported to be good on Saturday, but it is not expected to be as good as tomorrow's Friday.

After careful consideration, we follow our gut feeling. Tomorrow we're going to Fraser Island. Nervously, we go to bed and hope that the sun will wake us up tomorrow morning.


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