1. - 2.9.2022 - Jajce

Жарияланды: 09.09.2022

It's going to rain, not just for a short time, but for hours, about twenty-four.

As fair-weather campers, we move on to the hotel. In Jajce, we stay in a suite, actually with a separate living room and bedroom. We don't see much of Jajce on the first day because it's raining so heavily that my shoes are soaking wet after half an hour, despite the umbrella. We go to eat, nothing special, and then watch TV for about three hours, crazy.

The next morning is just gray, and we take a walk in the city for a while. I read in Stanišić's book that during the war, Tito and his people hid in a cave in Jajce and almost got caught.

Furthermore, we want to buy lamb for grilling. After we ask for Jagjetina, the butcher tries to explain something to us in Bosnian. Seeing our confused faces, he asks, 'Do you understand German?' and continues with pure Baden or Kurpfälzisch dialect. He explains that he now only sells whole lambs. The price of lamb has almost doubled (from 5 euros to 9 euros per kilogram), and that's a problem for the people here. So nothing again, we buy veal chops 'Des kanscht grille' (You can grill this). And we thought we would eat lamb all the time in Bosnia...

Mosque in the rain - photographed from the hotel room
Mosque in the rain - photographed from the hotel room
Bear Tower
Bear Tower
Church Ruins
Church Ruins
A giant pine tree grows in the castle courtyard
A stately pine tree grows in the castle courtyard
View from the castle to the north over Jajce
View from the castle to the north over Jajce


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