Emotional chaos and goodbyes

Жарияланды: 07.11.2017

I never expected it to be so difficult for me to get to know people here and then say goodbye a few days later. You exchange phone numbers or Facebook names, but somehow it's a farewell forever even though you don't really know each other yet.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm still in NZ and don't go back to Germany, because it feels really strange here, as if time stands still. I can't wait to continue my life in Germany. However, I'm staying here for now because I love my life here and I'm fully enjoying my time.

But the best thing here in New Zealand is escaping everyday life and having no obligations. I can leave and move on anytime, and I love that freedom!


I just had a very interesting experience. In hindsight, I'm surprised myself that I played along.

I was at the pub with Jules and Henry for the Bitcoin meeting. I really appreciate that Jules invited me. It was quite interesting to delve into that. However, the thing that bothered me was that Henry was there. A four-year-old boy has no place in a pub! Ever since I joined this family, I've been trying to enforce an earlier bedtime for him, but it's been difficult because it's normal here for him to go to bed at 12 and as a nanny, I don't have much say but should actually hold back. Anyway, we were there and eventually Henry cuddled up on my lap and fell asleep. I was surprised when Jules ordered another beer. After much back and forth, I finally pushed him a bit because it's just not right for a four-year-old boy to be out so late.

In the end, I took the wheel because dear Jules had had a bit more to drink than me.

I just spent until half past 3 talking philosophy with Jules and I also clearly stated my opinion to him. At first, it was very tough for me to overcome telling him that, but it had to come out. In the back of my mind, I always have the thought that I really have no say here because I'm just the nanny and he's the father after all.

Anyway, I really like Jules, he's a young single father who's doing his best, but he should avoid his "easy going" attitude a bit.

Conclusion: Nevertheless, I feel very comfortable here and still had a great evening with the others at the pub.

It's incredible how quickly you can strike up a conversation with others here at the pub.
