Reisefischer Kanada
Reisefischer Kanada

#35 Happy Easter! 🐣🕊

Жарияланды: 09.04.2023

'The Lord has risen.

He has truly risen.'

I definitely won't hear this chant here this year (although it has already been sent to me several times 😁). But as I write this blog post, the Easter morning should already be starting in my home church, and maybe the good news is also being conveyed. 😅

But yes, it's Easter (for you), so: Happy Easter! Of course, I waited until Saturday evening (Canadian time) so that you can still read my "Happy Easter" saying among the thousand others today. Happy Easter! 😋 And fittingly, I didn't have to come up with a title 😅 I can't tell you yet how Easter is going here, as it is still Saturday for me, but I hardly think there will be anything here. 😅

I am always surprised at how quickly such a week passes by. While I sit outside my cabin and a squirrel sits in front of me, I think about what has happened this week. On Sunday, I went for a quad ride with my other neighbor, and he showed me various hiking trails. During the summer, there are up to 400 (!) hiking trails open here. Much of it is due to the logging industry. However, it feels like back in school. During school, the weather was amazing, and during the holidays, it was bad. It feels the same way here. During the week, the weather is mostly sunny, and it becomes worse towards the weekend. Two weeks ago, we had 13 centimeters of fresh snow, and last weekend was also very cold. Jordan has a very new and expensive quad, and he speeds along the trails with it. But well, he learned to drive here at the age of 14, so he knows every stone here. It was definitely all very interesting, but my face was simply dead. It wasn't very pleasant due to the fast ride and the strong headwind. Jordan could easily see that from my slightly discolored face, and we turned back. (Another squirrel runs past me!). Interesting fact that Jordan also told me: I told him that I saw the wild geese here, and Jordan told me that they breed on that one small island in the lake. There are now eight to ten of them. I thought that the coyotes would have a splendid meal right on their doorstep, but Jordan explained to me that the geese attack the coyotes and chase them away with their beaks so that they can breed there on the island. Interesting fact (for me).

Otherwise, the construction site continued merrily, although this week I spoke somewhat harshly to Jenny, which of course I always regret, but at that moment it just came out of me 😅 Sometimes she comes to me even before I start working and explains the day, which I always find annoying because I'm not a morning person and want to have a relaxed breakfast. On Tuesday, she came in directly after I went for breakfast and just burst with orders, and I had to tell her that I hadn't even had my coffee yet. Unfortunately, I also overlooked the fact that she had to go to Tatla Lake and therefore informed me about the orders. Well, my mistake, but I still had to tell her 😁 David wasn't there that day either because he was in Williams Lake with Daisy to have her sterilized. Poor Daisy is not allowed to run for two whole weeks now and therefore cannot leave the house. You can't imagine how much she cries at the door all the time because she usually spends almost every day outside with her best friend, the neighboring dog, and has adventures, but the risk of the wound opening is too dangerous. Recently, Daisy broke free from the leash and was able to run for a few meters, which was enough to slightly open the wound. So extreme caution is currently required.

Since both Jenny and David were not there, I took this opportunity to quickly go up on the roof to enjoy the view. It's phenomenally beautiful, but also phenomenally high. 😅 After Jenny came back, she told me that today I can also install the insulation. Actually, she never wanted me to do that. However, I always offered to do it. Not because I think working with the mineral wool is great. Definitely not, because there is a health hazard if handled incorrectly. The reason is that Jenny knows how crappy this job is, and the person (it used to be Fatih) who installs the insulation then only has to do that without completing the other three to four orders, and I have peace and quiet there. 😅 That's why I like the insulation. It's exhausting, no question about it, and my rather amusing protective clothing hasn't been perfected yet. I tried at the beginning with safety goggles and a mask. But then the small fibers got into my face and the goggles kept fogging up. So I just took the motorcycle helmet. That way, my entire face is protected, and the visor doesn't fog up so quickly. 😅 Jenny definitely always has something to laugh about.

Furthermore, on Tuesday, I had to install supports on one wall. It wouldn't have been a problem if the wobbly ladder hadn't been standing at the large door opening. Of course, you always say: "Don't look down," and of course, you always look down. That was such a height that I don't feel soooo comfortable in. You can't imagine how often I dreamed at night that I fell from that ladder, through the opening, down to the ground. And then you wake up so violently from your sleep. 😁 It happened a whopping four times. Why can't I fall and fly just before and then at least see this beautiful country from above in my dream. ❤️😂

On Wednesday, when I was working in the back area, I heard the typical beeping sound when a truck or other heavy vehicle is reversing. I know that Jordan's quad also beeps in reverse, and I wondered that the wind was so strong that the beeping reached the construction site here. The wind had indeed increased on Wednesday, but not that much. And then I also thought.... it could be a truck, and then I looked forward and what do I see there..... a new delivery of wood. I thought I wouldn't believe it. 😅 And so we were able to further enlarge the "Hemming's Cathedral" with new wood. In the meantime, I thought I knew what the final idea would look like, but it is now destroyed again with the new addition. I only know one thing.... it will be huge. Oh, on Wednesday was also the second situation where I spoke somewhat harshly to Jenny. I had a problem with a section and wanted to ask Jenny about it, and sometimes Jenny just says directly: Oh yeah, I see it. I can fix that! And I think to myself that I could explain it to her in the first place. 😅 So I started, and then she kept interrupting me and saying: Oh yeah, I see this and that, and yes, I can fix that! Oh man, since Jenny didn't let me finish speaking, she kept saying things that weren't even the topic, and then I had to clearly tell her that she couldn't understand my problem because she didn't let me finish speaking. Oopsi! 😁 But as I said, I'm sorry too, and I don't mean it in a mean way, but sometimes you need that maybe. 😅

Otherwise, you can see less and less snow here. I sincerely hope that the weather forecast is wrong with its snow announcement for next week. I am grateful for the winter I had here, but now it's time to stop. The snow on the lake is also disappearing gradually, so that the turquoise color of the lake can slowly be seen. This lake is one of the warmest in B.C. and is said to be incredibly beautiful. The color (which is not really recognizable in the photo) is definitely promising.

On today's (Easter) Saturday, I went for a little walk. Snowshoe hares can be seen more and more. This may also be because they are currently changing their fur color and are therefore easier to spot in the remaining snow. Unfortunately, I never managed to take a photo of a completely white hare because the moment was simply too short. On Thursday, a hare sat in front of me for several minutes and just ate there. Of course, I didn't have my camera with me, so on today's Saturday, I set out to find a hare. Or the new birds that have arrived here and are looking for their nesting places. When I turned a corner, I saw a cute squirrel just one meter away from me, and as I watched it, I actually also discovered a hare out of the corner of my eye, calmly eating there. Fortunately, I didn't scare away the hare! So, just in time for Easter, I saw another... Easter bunny *hehe*.

So, I wish you a happy Easter or simply a pleasant holiday. I hope you have nice weather so that you can go outside for a walk and enjoy the weather.

Until then.



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