
By train from Bad Staffelstein to Northeim

Жарияланды: 16.06.2020

Sunday, June 14, 2020

It's time... my journey is about to continue. We're going to the train station, as always, it's raining. The weather gods are not being kind to me... or maybe they are, because otherwise I wouldn't have had such a wonderful time with my friend. Everything in life has its purpose... and I am always in the right place at the right time. This certainty makes me feel free and happy.

Now it's time to say goodbye... not forever... just for a while, I have a feeling about it 😊

I board the train and stow my bicycle, luggage, and trailer. The next station to change trains is Jena-Göschwitz... that's a two-hour train ride. So, for now, I'm in a relaxed mood 😅 I have a 50-minute layover in Jena. That should be manageable. When I get off, I ask a young man if he can help me carry the trailer... everything works out great🙏 I change platforms... there are elevators... perfect again! Then the train to Göttingen arrives. I push the bicycle and pull the trailer to the bicycle compartment. There is no one nearby who might be able to help me. The trailer is fully loaded again, the luggage secured with straps... it's impossible for me to get the trailer completely inside the train... And dismantling everything would take too long. I put the bicycle inside the train, but I have to overcome three high steps. Not so easy! As soon as I'm inside, the conductor blows the whistle and the doors close. Some panic sets in🙄 All my luggage and money are outside and I'm inside... I quickly open the door, jump out, and make eye contact with the train conductor. I signal to him that this car also needs to be in the train. He nods at me. But how do I get everything inside the train now? The conductor on the platform is holding his flag on red. He will help me, there is no other person to be seen anywhere. I wave at him, gesturing vigorously for him to come over. He's stubborn! I move towards him and shout to him if he can please help me. Then he finally starts moving. He lifts the trailer at the other end and curses: 'But it's heavy🙄 You're only allowed to take what you can carry yourself😱' I'm not familiar with this rule... but the main thing is that I'm inside.

When I arrive in Göttingen, a young woman helps me unload everything. I just have to take one more train, the one to Northeim. Everything goes perfectly!

And now I'm going to visit my dear friend, whom I haven't seen in a long time. I'm filled with joy 😊

Жауап (2)

Liebe Ludmilla, mit großer Freude habe ich die ersten Kapitel deines Blogs gelesen. Es freut mich, dass diese Reise bis dato ohne große Schwierigkeiten verläuft und du nette Menschen auf deinem Weg triffst. Ich bin schon auf die nächsten Folgen gespannt Alles Liebe und eine sichere Reise Bettina

Liebe Bettina, Danke für Deine lieben Wünsche. Ich lasse Euch gern an meinen Erlebnissen teilhaben. Alles Liebe Ludmila

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